Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm a student again...!!!

I'm officially enrolled in Biology 1110. Holy crap, what am I doing!?!?

Class starts NEXT MONDAY and I am freaking out. But kind of excited. But mostly freaking out.

My class is every Monday and Wednesday night from 4-6:20, and the best part is that it is only 10 minutes away from my house, so Casey got permission to get off work early and be home to watch Keaton. Yippee!! I sincerely hope I can do this... I don't want to be pessimistic before the class even starts, but... BIOLOGY. OHMYGOODNESS.

Here goes nothing. I knew I just had to jump right in and do it, and I'm having such a productive day today that I thought... DO IT. Just do it.

Alrighty... I guess Mr. K is not going to nap this afternoon, even after waking up at 4:15 and then again at 5ish this morning, and taking a fairly short nap around 10. Maybe we'll go outside and enjoy the nice weather.



1 comment:

Terry B said...

Good for you Ashly!!! Keaton will so proud of his mom!!! And you will be very glad you did it! Trust me!!