Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Short & Sweet

Yesterday Keaton said, "I want everyone in the world to be happy. I want make them smile." I know people say it's not good to be a "people pleaser", but there are much worse traits my little guy could have inherited. I'm so glad he's a compassionate and caring little boy. He still asks me every day, "Mommy, are you happy?" Even if he tends to do it when he's in trouble, it's still pretty stinking cute.

I have also gotten into the habit of telling him who is singing ____ song on the radio. He really likes Red Hot Chili Peppers (I can't remember exactly what he calls them but it's funny), Smashing Pumpkins, and Green Day. Yesterday I said, "Green Day sings this song." He said, "And Red Day and Purple Day, too. Okay Mommy?"

Love it. That is all. :)

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