Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chris Cornell concert and such...

Last Sunday night, Casey and I traveled to the Riviera Theater in Chicago to see Chris Cornell. It was probably one of the best concerts I have ever been to, and that includes seeing Aerosmith and Dave Matthews live.

My favorite thing about the concert was the huge range of songs he sang. He had a great representation from the early 90s all the way to his newest solo album that came out this year. I listened to his new CD, which is quite a bit different than anything he's made before. It's got a bit of a dance feel to it where most everything else he's been a part of has been rock or alternative. I actually liked the songs better live than I do on the CD! His voice still sounds amazing... his vocal range has always been impressive, and even after 15 years in the business, he can still hit all the high notes! Casey and I had a blast, and I highly recommend this concert to anyone who may be able to catch it!

In other news, I had class again today, and got 100% on my last assignment! I'm really happy with the feedback I got from the previous pictures. He asked me to give him a copy of them so he can use them as examples in his other classes. That's a first for me so I'm pretty excited at the moment. I was able to show him some of my stuff from Flickr and he seemed to enjoy it, too. I think he was shocked when I pulled up my Flickr site (in front of the class, which was a little nerve-wracking at first) and realized that I had over 6000 pictures. I know it's a little ridiculous so I verbalized that as well. Luckily it didn't appear that I bored the class to tears or anything. I stayed a little bit after the others left and talked to him about Japan, and some of my experiences there and with photography in general. It was nice to get to know him a little better and to let him know where I'm coming from with all of this. I can't believe class is almost over. I'm excited to take the 1101 class this Fall and learn about Photoshop and all that fun stuff.

I guess that's about it for now. I'm ready for this apparent warm-up we're going to get this week; it's supposed to be 80 on Friday! They also said we were supposed to have snow showers the past day and a half but I haven't seen that, so who knows. Damn I am sick of the word Snow.

I should go now... I've got a pouty dog who needs attention. :-P


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