Friday, August 21, 2009

Hormones + Emotions = Hormotions

Who knows what is going on with that title. Anyway, I've noticed in the past week or so that my emotional state is pretty shaky. In fact, I've cried more in the last week than I have in the last month or so. I'm letting little things get to me, and while I know I'm upset for a reason, it's slightly annoying to get so worked up about some things.

Part of me feels like I have a right to be a little more emotional right now, so when people tell me not to get so worked up or not to worry about something, it almost makes the situation worse. But I have noticed that I'm getting a little bit more angry lately and letting comments get the better of me, which I know I shouldn't do. And it usually doesn't kick in until after I have overreacted and gotten pissed off. Sometimes I wish I could make things go in slow motion so I could allow my brain to comprehend what's happening before I react. But I guess before the baby hormones kicked in, I was emotional to begin with. The situation did not need to be compounded!

I also feel like I can't think straight anymore. Again, a problem I've had most of my life, but there are times that I feel like I can't concentrate at all, or I am easily sidetracked and miss the point of what is going on. Casey and I will have a conversation about something, and I'll start thinking about something completely random.

I guess this entry is a good example on how things are going inside my head right now. I know it will get better. I just need to slow down and step back to reanalyze thing better. Easier said than done, but in order to stay sane in the next 6 months, I need to make it a priority!

Alright, enough of that... time for an entry about what's been going on around here...


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