Saturday, December 12, 2009

29 weeks and craziness

I feel as though this week is just the calm before the storm. It has been a good one, though! I survived the first big snow storm of the season, without falling on my ass. I skipped class on Tuesday because it was snowing and I didn't think driving 40 minutes with the maniacs around here would be very wise. It was also only a lab day, and because of our weekend SC trip, I didn't have a chance to take any good pictures, so I didn't need to take advantage of lab time that day. I can't remember if I went to Walmart on Monday or Tuesday, but whichever day I decided to go, I managed to time it just right so I left right as it started sleeting. That was awesome. My procrastination paid off again!! But I somehow managed to get groceries, put them in the car, and get home without having too much trouble. Wednesday was spent indoors with a bored puppy as we watched the snow fall. I did manage to get a lot done around the house, though. For once, I had a long list of things to do, and got them all checked off without even complaining about it or putting it off! Maybe the "Nesting" phase is kicking in. Either way, it's carrying over to today, which has been nice. Case and I woke up around 7:30 and I feel pretty well rested and ready to get things done. Hooray!

Thursday afternoon was Baird & Warner's holiday party. I've come to the conclusion that Realtors really know how to party. There was a ton of wine and beer consumed that afternoon, and apparently it carried over to the evening because people called in sick on Friday... they called me to come fill in for a few hours, which I actually didn't mind at all. (It probably gave them peace of mind knowing that I had only consumed good ole H-2-O the entire time.. haha!) Things were busy at work on Friday, as usual, but I also got to hear dirt about who got crazy the night before and a few things that happened with coworkers that were pretty funny. (I won't write them on here, just in case anyone happens to read this... ;)) As much as I have complained about certain work situations in the past, I really will miss the people there. They are still keeping the door open for me after the baby is born, so I may come fill in on the occasional weekend day or something when Case can be home with the kid. It will also be good to get out of the house and have some adult conversations with people other than Case every once in awhile. I don't want to become a hermit!!

Anyway, now I'm gearing up for a week of baby showers, traveling home, and getting ready for the holidays. We have gotten ZERO Christmas shopping done, which is making me a little anxious. Hopefully I will get through this week without completely exhausting myself! One day at a time...

Before I forget; We had a great check up at the doctor yesterday! I gained FIVE pounds over the last month (Yay!!! Thank you Thanksgiving food!) and Peanut is right on track as far as growth is concerned. We heard the heartbeat again (144 bpm) and got to meet the last of the 3 rotating doctors in our practice. He is the main doctor and will most likely be the one that delivers the baby. Case and I like him- he's got a fun personality and is pretty feisty, which suits us well. Even the office staff was nice yesterday, which as you may recall can be hit-or-miss at that office. All in all, it was a very good visit. Now I will start going in every 2 weeks for a check up. Let's hope the weather cooperates! Oh, this week I also signed us up for an additional pre-birth class. We start our Prepared Childbirth class on Jan 3rd, which will go for 3 weeks, and then we'll do a BabyPLUS class that will teach us infant CPR, car seat installation, etc. Lots of baby learnin' to do in the next month or so! :)

So that pretty much sums up the week. Our friend Kyle was supposed to come visit this weekend but he called yesterday to let us know that it wasn't going to pan out. Hopefully we'll get to see him shortly after Peanut arrives. Our schedules aren't going to work out over Christmas so we won't get to see him like we normally do when we go home. He's on his way to becoming a Pediatrician so I can't really blame him for having little to no free time right now. :)

I guess that's about it. I probably won't write much while we're at home for Christmas, so I'm sure there will be a ton to write about when we get back... I'll try to keep up with the blog next week, though, as the Baird & Warner baby shower, my last day of class, and my last day of work all coincide. Let the craziness begin!


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