Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A B C...

Keaton is indeed trying to sing the ABCs lately... it sounds at least somewhat like the song. It is pretty cute, and I really need to get it on video, but all my attempts are in vain because he seems to get camera shy. I'll keep trying, though. :)

I'm sort of in a list mood today (even downloaded a task list for my phone so I can check things off throughout the week and try to keep myself motivated) so I thought I'd keep with the pattern and make an alphabetical list of what's up in our world right now.

A- Aunt Leslie & Aunt Valerie came to visit Keaton this past weekend. Fun times! 
B- Beautiful weather the past few days!! 
C- Canada. The current location of a conference for awesome people that understand catalysis.
D- Drama- what's happening on our street lately. It's turning into Jerry Springer around here! (Neighbors are getting a divorce and it's getting pretty ugly.) 
E- E-mail, something that is not working well on my phone at the moment. 
F- Father's Day is this weekend! I'm still working on the gifts... which brings me to
G- Golf clubs- something Casey wants for Father's Day. How cliche! :)
H- Headache... something I have had for the past few days. Darn birth control! 
I- Italian food. I have had a lot of it lately, and seem to want more. The perks of living in Chi-town. 
J- Jumping. I showed Keaton how to do it today, and his imitation was HILARIOUS! 
K- Keaton, who never ceases to brighten my day. :) 
L- Lists. I can't make enough of them lately... and can't check them off fast enough, either. 
M- Monkey. My son is turning into one... he's starting to try to climb on everything. Ahhhh!! 
N- "Noon-ul"- Keaton's version of the word "Noodle" 
O- O's, Keaton's name for Cheerios 
P- PMS. Nuff said. 
Q- Q, a letter that really trips me up while playing word games. 
R- Rabbits- they are taking over our yard!! 
S- Sleep... you can never get too much, in my opinion. 
T- Traveling- something Casey is doing a ton of lately.
U- Understanding. Something I need to do more of, for both my boys. 
V- Vacuuming, something the house really needs right now! 
W- Washington (State)... where Casey will be headed soon for training.
X- X and Q are both letters I need to look up in the dictionary, so I can remember more words that start with them when I play Scrabble. 
Y- Yelling. My neighbors are doing a lot of it!  
Z- Zoo- We went to the Brookfield Zoo last weekend with Casey's sisters. I'll upload pics soon!


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