Thursday, June 23, 2011

Remembering Chuck, and the Ice Cream Dance

This could be a super short entry, but it's been awhile since I've written and I felt the need. Keaton is napping and should be up any time, so I guess I'll blog until he wakes up!

We've been so busy lately! Last week Casey was in Vancouver (and witnessed the hockey riots first-hand). Of all times for him to go to Canada! He survived, and got some pretty crazy photos of the police in riot gear. Crazy stuff!

I wish I could remember what's gone on since I wrote last. Keaton's saying a new word every day, which is funny, and a little scary at times (only because I really need to work on cleaning up my language). So far he hasn't said any cuss words yet... that we know of... but he does have a tendency to spout out a bunch of things when he's trying to get you to understand what he wants. I guess I'm glad he does that instead of just point and yell. Yesterday he said his version of cracker (kakah), shovel (sounds a lot like bubble), and today he was cracking up at lunch when I was saying "edamame". He calls it "damommy". LOL! Too, too funny. Last week he said pineapple "piyappah". I can now understand why my Dad found it entertaining to say big words and have me repeat them as a very young child. Now the trick is to remember his version of them so I know what the heck he's talking about! Most things are still lost in translation.

Well, on a different note, tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of the day Charley Brown passed away. I cannot believe it's been a whole year without him. It is definitely getting easier now, especially to talk about, but it doesn't make me miss him any less. I still think about him at least once a day, sometimes more. I can remember so many details about a year ago... on the 22nd of last year, we had to take him in to get fluids. It was the night of my first appointment with the counselor, and I remember Casey telling me that Charley wasn't doing well, and racing home to take him to the vet. I also remember the 23rd, because I woke up thinking that Charley would have passed in his sleep, but he ate a ton of food and was up and walking around again that day. Good thing, too, because the tornado sirens went off and we had to go to the basement. He stayed right by my side- he was so nervous! I remember being surprised that he was up and moving around. It almost seemed like things were improving, until the next day- the 24th. I have blocked out a lot of that day, and don't care to recall much of it now. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to acknowledge the significance of tomorrow, and the fact that Chuck is still here with me every single day.

I hate ending this entry in that way, but Mr. K is stirring and I need to go tend to some laundry. I got to write a lot more than I thought I would! If you need a pick-me-up after that last part, just watch this:



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