Monday, November 14, 2011


What an incredible end to my 20s. My best friend of 25 years surprised me on Thursday by flying up to Chicago for a few days. I was able to go out and celebrate with her and have some girl time on Friday night at a bar/restaurant where my friend and classmate Aaron works, and they treated us like VIPs. It as nothing short of an epic night with great food, terrific company, dancing, and drinking. Oh, and did I mention that my husband volunteered to make the 40 minute drive to drop us off? Amazing. Saturday, Casey threw a birthday party for me. It was great seeing local friends and I really enjoyed watching all the kids have fun together. Lindsey flew back home Saturday night, and then Sunday was spent with my boys. We had a great brunch and spent some quality time together. Casey helped me clean the house while Keaton took a 2.5 hour nap (and just woke up from another 2 hour one just now!). We went shopping and I refreshed my very tired wardrobe. Awesome, awesome birthday weekend.

That is a very short recap, but I wanted to write it before I get sidetracked again! So far, turning 30 has been very very good!! :-D


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