Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End of my 20s: A look back. And Forward.

Only four short days left in my 20s. Um...what? Where did that go? How did that happen? And what do I have to show for it?

I have an amazing husband and adorable little boy. I have a family who continues to care for me and support me, even though I have never stayed consistent with what I want to do with my life. I have amazing friends who support me and listen to my ramblings, worries, and many insecurities, and still stick around. I've got a car that runs and a house in a great neighborhood. I've got a job that may not pay money, but it pays in slobbery kisses and even the occasional "I wuv you". And that's just right now.

So much has changed for me in the past 10 years. Colleges, majors, living in a dorm. Being engaged. Moving home. Working for photography companies. Getting married. Moving to South Carolina. Getting Charley Brown. Working for the University of South Carolina. Living in Japan. Supporting Casey while he got his Ph.D. Moving to Illinois. Owning a house. Becoming a mom. Losing Charley Brown. Going back to school again. Man, what a ride!

As I look ahead, I have no idea what to expect. More losses and new beginnings. Jobs and schools and new adventures. Obstacles and bumps in the road. But one thing I've always had- and with care, I hope to continue to have- is a loving and supportive group of people around me who are there through it all. If you are reading this, you are most likely one of those people. Thank you for being some part of this journey, no matter what role you might play.


1 comment:

Lilli O said...

"LOVE"! Sometimes we all need to take a step back and appreciate all the wonderful things and people in our life. Happy Birthday!