Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful... Turkey Day 2011

So much to be thankful for today, and every day. This year has been sort of a tough one for us, through transitions with work, parenting, marriage, and life in general; I think it was a pretty good wake-up call to me that there are things in my life that need changing, and so I've started the very slow and not-so-easy journey of self-improvement. Who isn't doing that? Or trying to, at least? But I think there have been some moments in my life lately where I realize that I'm not who I want to be. What better time to figure out who you are than when you turn 30? Who knows... it sounds good right now. So here I go... as I started to feel like I was 'losing' myself lately and couldn't really figure out what made me "me"- I'm not just Casey's wife and Keaton's mom... but what else is there? Well, I don't know exactly, but I know I'm working on it.

I think part of blogging for me is a therapy to try and figure out just what's going on in by brain... and although it usually just comes out as a play-by-play of what we did for the day, someday I can look back at this time in my life and remember it for just a tiny second. Life changes so quickly these days that if I don't write it down, I'm afraid it will be lost forever. (I say this and realize that I have only written a handful of times this month... but it's the thought that counts, right?) I do know that I am thankful for the blogs I've written previously: My Experiences in America and most of all My Experiences in Japan because it allows me to go back and experience it all over again. Lots of words, lots of time, and someday, lots of fun stories to tell Keaton. (And maybe some to leave until he's much, much Anyway, I'm thankful for all of it.

I am also thankful for all the people that have stuck by me, watched and helped me grow, and dealt with my very random and sometimes manic thoughts, emotions, or actions. If there is something I've also realized lately it's that there are certain people that come into your life to make you realize what living is all about. I feel totally blessed that I can count those people on two hands.

I guess that's all for tonight... hopefully more to come before the end of the month.



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