Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life Update

I am long overdue for some good Keatonisms. He is cracking me up lately. And making my blood pressure rise, but that's just the stage we are in right now.

-He told me my costume "Prob-a-ly won't fit anymore cuz the babies are getting too big."

-We were listening to Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody) and he said, "What's Bohemian Raspberry mean? Like in muffins?"

-We love to listen to the radio while in the car. Keaton likes to ask who sings the songs he hears, and can now pick out a lot of the songs within the first couple of notes. Last night, Little Black Submarines came on, and he asked who sang it. I temporarily forgot, but Keaton said, "I think maybe it's Black Keys." And he was right. That kind of blew my mind.


An update from the last entry- We took Riese to PetsMart on Thursday night because he had gotten out of control, so we were looking into getting a bigger crate so he would fit. Eric, a guy that we've known since PetsMart opened, told us to look into getting an inflatable ring for his neck to replace the cone of shame. Not only has it worked better, but he can sleep in the old crate now, too. It's gone much better. I also found out Monday that when Riese got out the last time, he ate all of Keaton's Flintstone vitamins. I don't know how he got the darn kid-proof lid off, but I do know that he ate probably 40 vitamins and apparently hasn't had any huge issues afterwards. Yikes! I think I also mentioned last time that he got our tin of Garrett's popcorn open and ate the last of it, too. This dog's been through a lot in the last week. I really hope he is healing just fine and can get this donut off soon. He goes for his recheck next week.

In baby news, we go for our BIG ultrasound on the 25th, and if the babies comply, we will find out the sexes! They tell me it should take at least 45 minutes for the entire ultrasound because they have to check both babies head to toe to make sure everything is working the way it should. I am, as usual, pretty nervous/anxious about it all... I can only hope that everything goes well. I'm excited to see them again, though! I can definitely feel both of them individually now. This is so strange! I have known for a month (as of tomorrow) that there are two in there, and I still tend to have "Holy Crap!" moments. I think looking at minivans and getting the ball rolling on finishing the basement are two elements that are really making this all hit home. And, my growing belly. I feel like it has really popped out since we got home from Kansas! I had a suspicion that they are going through a growth spurt over the last week because I have been super emotional, hungry, tired, and grumpy. I feel sorry for my family members... I don't think I'm very fun to be around lately.

Well, I think that's about it. I got my flu shot this morning. Other than that, I'm going to do laundry, clean a bit, and rest while I can. Halloween is in two weeks from tomorrow!!! Will my dress still fit?? If Keaton's prediction is true, not so much. Haha...


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