Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Case of the Disappearing Lap

I have realized lately that my days of rocking Keaton at bedtime are probably coming to a rather abrupt end, especially if Yin & Yang keep growing as much as they've seemed to lately. My lap is starting to disappear. As much as Keaton wiggles and squirms, it's getting pretty uncomfortable to try to balance him on a lap that was not all that big to begin with. It makes me sad because that is one of the ways he and I wind down at the end of the day. I like that he chats with me and says things like, "I had a good day today, Mommy." He then tells me everything he did, even if I was right there doing it with him. I love our time together (especially when he's tired enough to sit still). I'm going to have to find other ways to comfort him, and while that isn't the end of the world, it is still the end of something I have enjoyed since he was born. Like all good things, I guess that must come to an end. Maybe he'll come back around when the lap shrinks and his siblings are asleep or busy. Or maybe, by that time, he'll be too much of a big boy to want to do it with me. Or MAYBE, he will miss it, too, and I won't have anything to miss... or we will find a new tradition. All I know is, he is growing up too fast... and so is my lap.

In other news, Casey's parents came this past weekend, and Casey and Keith got a ton done on the basement. We are almost at the point where we need an electrician to come in- we have decided not to do that part ourselves. De was a life-saver with Keaton. He didn't want any part of me, so I was able to nap, go shopping, and spend time with a friend. It was a nice break, but of course I missed my Keaton time, too. I figure I get to see him every day, and the grandparents only see him for brief periods of time, so I can share. :) He loved playing with her, and had to keep tabs on where she was all the time. If she was out of his sight, it wouldn't take long before I would hear, "Mommy, where's Nana?" I'm looking forward to our flight home on Friday so he can spend time with everyone again. He's at such a fun age right now, I feel like I get to see it all the time, but I'm excited for others to see it, too! I'm glad he loves his family so much. When he sits at his place at the table, he likes to look at his placemat of the U.S. and tell me, "Kansas is my favorite! My family lives there. Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa. And Aunt Valerie, and Aunt Leslie, and Uncle Mitch!" :)

Speaking of our flight this weekend, it's time for me to go work on my speech for the wedding. It may be one of the easiest speeches I ever write, because I've been thinking about what to say ever since I found out Sara & Jeremy were engaged. (Even back when I didn't think I could even go to the wedding, I dreamed about what I would say. Piece of cake. Wedding cake, even. Mmmm that sounds good right about now...)


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