Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wedding and a Problem Puppy

Last weekend, two of my best friends from 8th grade married each other. It was a wonderful weekend at home. It went entirely too fast, but I was able to spend quality time with my two best girlfriends on Friday night at the Woodward, a B&B in Topeka. Saturday we woke up, ate a wonderful breakfast, and then started the wedding festivities. It was a very emotional day, especially when I saw Jeremy see Sara for the first time as she walked down the aisle. Luckily, we had hidden kleenex in the bookcase right next to where we were standing at the alter, so we sniffled through the ceremony. It was tough keeping it together when Sara's sister Kris and my BFF Lindsey were standing on both sides of me, sobbing. I cried more at this wedding than I did at my own... maybe it was baby hormones, but really, I think it was just the pure joy I felt as I watched two people who have been in love for forever, finally tie the knot. (Not that Case and I didn't feel the same way on our big day, but I was so ready to marry him at that point that I just had a blast and didn't shed a tear!) Sara predicted in 8th grade that she would marry Jeremy, and even though they went through different journeys and were apart a large chunk of that time, the stars finally aligned and they found each other again. I gave a very soggy speech at the reception, too. Tears of joy, that's for certain. It was a blast. I wish I would have had more energy to dance and get crazy with the rest of them, but I had just as much fun watching everyone enjoy themselves. :)

We flew back home on Sunday, just in time to pick Riese up from the PetsHotel at PetsMart. Monday morning, we took him back to get neutered. He spent  most of the day there in recovery, and when Casey got home that evening, we grabbed dinner and went back to get him. I should have left him there. He's been a mess ever since. He seems to be recovering fine, but because he has the Elizabethan collar (or "Cone of Shame"), he can't fit in his normal crate anymore. We tried to barricade him into the area where his crate used to be, using baby gates. Tuesday I took Keaton to school, then had an appointment at 10 for an oil change/tire rotation for my car. I finally got home around 12:45, only to find that Riese had busted out of his 'crate' and gotten into my chocolate stash. I called the vet, and they said to give him a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and wait for him to throw up. So I did. Thank goodness it was a nice day out, because I already have such a problem with the way he smells right now that there was virtually no way I could handle dog vomit in the house. It seemed to have worked. Luckily he didn't get much chocolate to begin with, so things worked out okay. I hosed him off and let him back in the house, just in time to try to crate him again so I could go to another appointment at 2:30. When I got back from that one, he'd gotten out again. This time he only peed on the floor. I spent all of yesterday at home with he and Keaton because I didn't trust that he would be good if I left him.

So today, I had to take Keaton to school, then take my car in to get new tires. When I got home, he had busted out yet again. This time he got onto the kitchen table and knocked things off, spilled water, chewed up a notebook, apparently jumped up onto the couch and got down a cute frame of Keaton and chewed up the corners... so far that's all I've found. I tried so hard to make sure he couldn't get out of the crate set-up today. All of the kitchen chairs and the table are pushed up next to the baby gate that held him in (or... didn't...). I see where he got out, but I'm pretty surprised that he did, especially with that satellite dish on his head. This guy is driving me nuts. This has been an expensive week so far... and I know that's only going to get more intense. Hopefully the dog can slow down on his portion of draining the bank account now. We've got a basement to finish, car to trade in, and whatever other expenses that could come along with having two additional family members sometime in the next 5 months. Who'd like to send a winning lottery ticket? I may need to look into something on the side I can do to earn some extra cash or something once all is said and done. But the dog needs to realize that he's spent all of his allowance and he's not getting any more anytime soon! Yikes.

This week, the babies are apparently the size of avocados. I've thought about trying to make meals based on whatever food they are compared to each week... then I thought... that might be creepy. The little avocados seem to be doing well, and are definitely stretching and growing quite a bit. I've been pretty exhausted and hungry (and grumpy) the past few days, not to mention I'm feeling the stretch as my belly gets bigger. I'm thankful that I had energy last weekend and was able to enjoy the time at home before this crazy week started. Now the question is, do I have enough energy/time/strength/trust in the dog to get out again and run to the store like I need to??

More soon. Check out wedding pics on Flickr. (We took Casey's new camera and I'm a little disappointed in the quality of most of the pictures. It could totally have been user error, but still- I missed the Canon last weekend and should have brought it instead. Anyway, I'm just glad I had the chance to take some pics and enjoy quality time with my amazing friends.)


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