Tuesday, December 4, 2012

24 weeks: Home and Happy

I got to come home from the hospital fairly early on Friday morning, thank GOODNESS. The nurse told me to have a bag packed because if my condition gets worse at any future doctor's appointments, they will admit me again. If I have to go on hospital bed rest, I sincerely hope it's not until after Christmas. I want desperately to have as close to a normal Christmas at our house, especially since this is the first year we will be here instead of Kansas. I am taking this one day at a time, which is all I really can do.

De arrived on Sunday, so we have officially started the chapter of life where the grandmothers take over. Thank goodness for grandmothers!! I feel so guilty that anyone has to come in and take care of Keaton 98% of the time, then take care of me just about as much. (At least I can go to the bathroom by myself... Keaton is almost to that point, too!) But strict bed rest means showering every other day, only getting up to go to the bathroom, not lifting more than 10 lbs, and being horizontal as much as humanly possible. I learned at the hospital that anytime my bladder is full, or the boys move around a lot, I have a contraction. (Again, contraction at this point just means that my stomach gets tight for about 10 seconds and then relaxes again. No pain, so far.)

Monday was the first day of our 'new' schedule while Casey finally got to go back to work. Keaton did well, and was of course really excited to have Nana around, so his listening skills may have been a little less than stellar that day, I need to cut him some slack because he was just super excited. It is really tough to sit back and not be able to do anything. Something I'm struggling with is stepping back and realizing that I really can't do much just sitting on the couch and yelling. The lesson? I learn how to become less of a helicopter Mom. I need that lesson. I hover over that kid and worry about all kinds of things, and what better lesson to learn right before I have two more kids. So I'm thankful for having no choice but to step back and let Keaton be 2. I am thankful for another week at home (as long as nothing crazy happens). My doctor's appointment today found my cervix at 1.33 cm (it was 1.5 on Thursday) which is not as alarming as previous visits. The boys are growing quite a bit, and everything looks great with them- they have plenty of fluid and are sharing well, apparently. We got to see more of Baby B (Baby A decided to give him the spotlight, for once)- he opened his mouth, licked his lips, and yawned for us! De got to see them both and watch them wiggle around. I'm excited for my Mom to come next week and see the same. :) It is amazing to see how much they change from week to week. Now when they do a scan of their bodies, the babies are big enough that we can't see all of them in one shot. They are about 7 inches long now (estimate only) and weigh around 12-15 ounces. (Man, that's tiny! Stay in there, buddies!) But we are finally at week 24, so that is awesome. The goal now is 28 weeks. C'mon, cervix... we can do this!!

I go to my OB on Thursday. I'm interested to see how much weight I've gained (people that know me tend to think I'm big, while others think I'm 'tiny'. Who knows... I just know they are growing and that's all I care about!).

I think that's about enough for tonight. I'm planning to keep my butt glued to this couch and take it even easier than I have been, if possible. :)


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