Friday, December 21, 2012

Case of the Disappearing Cervix

Dear Cervix,

Please come baaaaaack!! I'm sorry if I ever offended you! Almost every week you get shorter, and now you are almost nonexistent. 0.4 mm is pretty darn short. That's not a short joke. I'm 5 feet tall, and the last person that would make fun of you for being short. Anyway, if there's any way you could just give me another chance, or just try to tough it out until the first of the year, I would really appreciate it. I'm counting on you, Cervix. I know you are in a hostile environment right now, and I'm sorry that jerk of a uterus is not the nicest neighbor. If you could get me through at least a few more weeks, I can promise to give you a break. It may even be a permanent vacation. Just hang on. You've done it before!! You can do this! WE can do this! You've just gotta hold it together. C'mon, lady. I'm on your team!



So... yeah. I had my appointment with the MFM doctors this morning, and saw what I didn't want to see... the cervix shortened from .8 to .4. Argh. BUT... it's not dilated. I went about a week, maybe more, dilated 4 cm with Keaton. I am holding out hope that she can hold it together for at least a few weeks- our main goal right now is 28 weeks, which would be New Year's Eve. I feel like a time bomb. But I'm happy they didn't admit me to the hospital again! I am taking it one day at a time, one hour at a time. It's all I can do.

I'd love to be in better spirits right now, I'm just having a hard time with all of this. My next appointment with MFM is on Wednesday, the day after Christmas. I have an appointment with my OB later that afternoon. Just get me to Christmas. Heck, just get me to tomorrow!

More later... I promise I'll cheer up again... just nervous.


PS: The world didn't end today... Woot!

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