Saturday, March 2, 2013

Together at last!

I will get the pictures from Casey's camera today, but here's a sneak peek... The boys were able to be next to each other last night for a few minutes, and definitely reacted to each other! They both got more active and even tried to hold hands! It was adorable. If I hadn't been holding Nik (who did a great job nursing yesterday!) I would have tried getting a better picture of it. It was one of those moments I had been waiting for, and I'm really happy Casey and I were able to witness it together. :-D

Here's another picture of the boys right before we got them side by side. Rowan is really starting to fill out more, and they are certainly are identical! There is talk of them moving onto one room soon. They haven't had any episodes for almost a week now, and the doctors are continuously pleased with their progress. I'm so proud of my littlest dudes.

I think that's all for now! We've got a busy weekend ahead so I'm glad to be feeling better. Hopefully Keaton will as well...I took him to the doctor yesterday because of his nasty cough ... We just have colds. I wore a mask while visiting the boys yesterday. I'm glad I was still able to go!

More later!


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