Monday, March 4, 2013

Trading Places

Two weeks ago, I was a totally different woman. I had no idea what life would have in store for me within 24 hours. Now I have three boys. Visits with my doctors have turned into visits with my boys and their doctors. Procardia and progesterone are a thing of the past. Instead of celebrating the clock striking midnight and another day of being pregnant, I now celebrate every ounce of breast milk and getting any amount of sleep I can before the boys come home. Worries about how they are doing in the womb are now worries about what time I can go visit them in the hospital...who is taking care of them...if they are gaining weight and growing...when they will come home...if Keaton is feeling left I will handle the three of them... What life will be like soon.

I've traded maternity pants for my old jeans. I can drive again (and love the minivan!). I can go to the grocery store by again...EAT AGAIN!!! No more blood rests, NSTs, ultrasounds, or cocky OBs. No more Bed Rest Club, hours of Words with Friends, or Solitaire. Facebook updates are not as frequent and there are no more countdowns. Questions have been questions have come up. Life is a polar opposite of where it was two weeks ago. It is real now. Awesome, scary, amazing. Real.


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