Thursday, August 29, 2013

6 month checkup & Keatonisms

Rowan may be the youngest, but he has passed Nik up in height and weight! Nik is 24.5 inches and 13 lbs...Rowan is 25 inches and 13 lbs 7 oz. They are finally on a growth chart! And their heads are the same size- 16.5 inches- if anyone at home is taking score.

They have this incredibly frustrating habit waking up every single hour this week, for some reason. Teething I think is the biggest reason, but they got shots yesterday, so I know they are more sensitive. Rowan also blessed me by spitting up in my hair at 4:30 this morning, so it looks like showering will be more of a priority today. Haha...

They seem to be right on track and do not have any delays that we can see right now. In fact, in most ways they are actually ahead, especially for being preemies! These two are strong and determined little guys, no doubt.

Keatonism time...

"Can we get a unicorn?"

"Is everything made with cheese?"

"Can I wear nothing to bed but my feet?"

"Can I go on the bounce-O-line?" (trampoline)

I showed him a picture of a friend's new baby. "Why did they just have one baby? I got two babies. I wanted twenty babies, though." (This is not the first time he's said this!)

Life is going, but no complaints (besides sleep deprivation). A few other notes: Keaton's school started a car line, so I don't have to get out of the car when dropping him off in the morning! It is glorious. Yesterday I wore my pajamas! No more taking the twinsout of the van. I'm lovin' it.

Keaton grew two shoe sizes since SPRING! I hope the recessive tall gene kicks in...if he keeps it up, he'll pass me up easily in elementary school!

That's all for now!


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