Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Six months old, and Keatonisms

I missed a ton of Keatonisms this week...here are a few I managed to write down!

"How do we weep willow trees?"

Nana De: "Look, there's a golden retriever coming!"
Keaton: "Where's the sparklies? He's not very sparkly."

"I'm a boss. I Skype messages on my laptop."

"Little brother, I'm a doctor too, like Daddy! I'm going to go do my doctor stuff now, with my doctor things."

Also, the little ones turned six months old yesterday. SIX MONTHS OLD. They are going to be sitting up soon. Sweet little squishy men are growing like weeds. We go for their 6 month checkup next Wednesday. More stats soon!

Here are some pictures from the past week. We had a blast at the Air and water show Saturday with the Hetricks. The weather could not have been more perfect! Speaking of weather...yesterday while driving back with the boys after going to Blackberry Farm with Janine and Dawson, Keaton and I saw a dust devil in a field just off the road we were traveling on, very near our house! I posted a video on YouTube (not sure how to link it right now from my phone) but I'm sure I'll probably never be that close to one ever again. It was pretty neat!

That's all for now!

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