Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Keatonisms week of May 6th

Keatonism Tuesday is upon us again! Hope you have a great one!

"Does a wind breaker break wind?"

K: "Panda Thunder is on!"
Me: "...Kung Fu Panda?"

While riding in the car behind a FedEx truck:
K: "What does F-E-D-E-X spell?"
Me: "FedEx."
K: "Do they take people's presents and give them to other people?!? I don't like them!!"

"You're my mommy and you're the prettiest mommy that I have."

"I can't see things properly!"

Keaton had the Toys R Us ads and was making up a story for one of his brothers. "...and then Spider-Man made all the people in heaven alive again with his powers. (Turns page.) And then there were coupons."

"Mommy, we're not allowed to laugh in this store." (Red Mango)

About the group of 8th graders that I reprimanded last week for cussing loudly around the boys:  "My ears knowed that they were saying bad words, that's why my ears were off when that happened."

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