Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Downtown Naperville

Last night, Casey and I decided to go to a bar called The Lantern in downtown Naperville for 10 cent wings and football. Minus the football (and the slightly spicy wings that cleared my sinuses!) it was a pretty good time! I have to say, I would love to explore downtown Naperville more. It reminds me a bit of downtown Charleston or maybe Savannah with all the little shops around. And maybe a bit of the Plaza in Kansas City. Anyway, we got there late enough that most of the stores had closed, but we are considering going down there for a day on the weekend to shop and check things out. It looks like there are a ton of things to do there, so I expect we'll do that soon. It was fun to get out of the house and hang out with Casey. Next time we might meet up with a few of his work friends.

In other news, I'm pretty anxious about the election today! I really hope Obama wins! I'm afraid of what would happen if McCain wins... he reminds me too much of Bush and I honestly think the country would be worse off it he were in charge... or if something were to happen to him an Palin were in charge! Ahhhhhhhh! I just can't take her seriously. We'll see tonight. It would be neat to go to Grant Park downtown and be at the Obama rally, but it's going to be absolutely insane! Think I'll stay home and keep a safe distance.

I'm sorta ticked at Ben & Jerry's. They are giving away free ice cream today, but only if you have an "I Voted" sticker. What about those of us who voted absentee?! We still voted, darn it! I honestly don't need ice cream that badly, but it's just the idea that I voted and can't take part in the celebration like others can. And honestly, I wish I WOULD have gotten a sticker anyway, because this is such a huge election that it might be nice to have a small momento of it. Lame, I know... it's not a big deal... I definitely will remember the election even if I don't have a sticker. Again, it's just the concept that is a little frustrating... I won't lose any sleep over it.

The weather here is going to be in the 70s for the 5th day in a row! It's wonderful! The bottom is going to drop out this weekend, though- it's supposed to be in the mid 40s on Saturday as a high... so Charley and I are going to go for a walk soon and take advantage of the nice temps while we can. I've been inside so much lately that I feel I'm paler than I have been in years. I didn't think it was possible to get more off-white than I already was, but I'm proving myself wrong. Time to get some Vitamin D from the sun instead of a bottle!

I guess that's about it for now. Write more soon!


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