Friday, November 21, 2008


It sure doesn't feel like Friday. Last weekend went so fast, I can't remember hanging out with Casey much at all. I'm thankful that we have this weekend to spend time together, and get the house ready for company next week for Thanksgiving. I've got quite a bit to do, but if all goes well my motivation level will stay the way it is right now and I'll be more productive.

So after a 2 hour conversation last night with Casey, and after a lot of thinking and encouragement from those around me (esp. Mom!!) I have decided to definitely go to school next semester, and have enrolled in one class. I may add another, but at the moment I figure it will be a good way to get my foot in the door, and also have enough time during the week to work full time. That will at least 1) earn money so I can take more classes in Fall 2009, and 2) if the job is within the school district, I can get a big discount on courses, which would be great! So, as of right now, I am taking my first Photography course since high school. I feel good about the decision- hopefully I will be able to learn a lot and do well next semester. I'm glad to finally have something set in stone now!

Other than that, I went to the DMV to get our license plates today, which was by far the quickest and easiest experience I've ever had at a DMV. South Carolina was an absolute NIGHTMARE and I'm glad I don't have to go back there anytime soon, if ever.

I also went to Starbucks and got a free coffee today. I sat down and started chatting with a lady named Nicole, and we hit it off pretty well. I may never see her again, but at least I was out of the house and socializing. Hopefully that doesn't sound as pathetic as I think it does. ;)

Casey's home now, so I'm going to go... just wanted to update! I'll write again soon...


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