Friday, May 13, 2011

15 Months

Heaven help me, my kid is 15 months old already! His appointment was this morning, and we found out he is in the 40th percentile for height... or was it weight? All I know is that he's not gaining much weight, and he's not as tall as I thought he would be. Hmmm. I could swear he's been on a bit of a growth spurt lately... but then I'm no M.D.

Casey and I were trying to figure out how many words he can say now on a pretty regular basis:
  1. Mama/Mom
  2. Dada/Daddy
  3. Hi/Hey
  4. Bye bye
  5. Baby
  6. Nana (as in Banana)
  7. No
  8. Yea/yes
  9. Uh Oh!
  10. All Done! (It sounds more like "Ah Daaah" but we get the point. :)
He has been mimicking things we say a lot, and my favorite this week is "Hippo". Keaton's version sounds more like "hippopo" which is pretty adorable! Of course he will not say it for other people, and he never seems to say it when the video camera is on, but hopefully I'll catch it one of these days.

It has officially been one full week since I nursed him, and he has FINALLY taken to whole milk in a sippy cup!! Time for Mommy to celebrate with a nice, big margarita. I am really glad we didn't have to wean him off the bottle (although sometimes it would have been a lot easier than having him come up to me and try to pull my shirt down...) but I wish it wouldn't have taken so long for him to be okay with sippy cups. I am just happy we are finally at the point where we can give him the cup and he doesn't throw it across the room or spit the milk out.

Tomorrow we have family pictures, and I am still trying to find something cute to wear. Mr. K will be in a red polo, and Casey will probably wear a black one. Do I go with black, or gray? I have a gray polo that is okay, I was just hoping to dress up a little more. Honestly, I am having such a hard time figuring out what would go well with the two of them that I am stressing myself out. I think I have searched every single rack at Kohl's two times this week, without any luck. Maybe something cute will magically appear in my closet overnight...

I guess that's about all for now. I am SOOO glad it's Friday- I am ready for more time with my boys, and finally getting some family pictures taken tomorrow!! :-D


1 comment:

Jenny said...

Aw, so sweet! I can't wait to see him this summer. :)