Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Talkative Tike!

Before I begin with the regular recap of what's going on with us since my last entry, I wanted to share this link: Salon Nine. All of the pictures on this site were taken by yours truly! I just found out when I went to get my hair cut last week that the site was up and running. Pretty exciting! I got a free haircut for taking them. Can't beat that!! :) That is the end of my self promotion.

In other news, Casey just left for an overnight stay in Tulsa. Our friend Qiang is flying in today from South Carolina to stay with us until Sunday morning. It should be a busy couple of days, so I thought I'd take the time to blog now since I doubt I'll get to before next week.

In Keaton news, he is doing so much lately that I am sure I will forget half of it before I'm able to get it written down. He is talking up a storm, which is nothing normal... but he's been repeating what we say more frequently the past couple of days. (Watch your mouth, Mommy!) No, he hasn't cursed yet... that I know of. Yesterday he said "bear" after seeing one in a book we were reading, and Daddy taught him "speed" last night. Appropriate, I think. I still feel like I need a translator half the time when Keaton talks, but he does really seem to have something important to say. People get a kick out of him when we're out and about, and always stop to talk to him. He is a total ham. Last night while we were in line getting dinner, Keaton really took to a couple that were standing directly behind us. He started showing them all the things he could do, like point at the fan and then make a circular motion with his hand so they knew how a fan works. He showed them his belly button. He clapped his hands. He waved. He went on and on, and kept pointing at the man to make sure he was watching. He's one entertaining little guy! This morning, Keaton took one of his little water bottles and decided his Sing-a-ma-jig needed a drink. I wish I could have gotten a picture or video of it... he kept putting the water bottle up to the toy's mouth. I guess he thought all that singing must have made it pretty thirsty. :) Oh, before I forget- last night we went with Casey while he donated blood. After he was finished, he came out and sat with Keaton and I while he drank some water. After he was done with one of the bottles, he gave it to Keaton and we asked him to go put it in the recycling bin. I was a little skeptical because he hasn't seemed to want to do it at home for me, but to my surprise, he walked right up and threw it in! And this morning he helped me fill the diaper stacker with diapers. Such a great little helper. :)

Today I am taking him to my friend Kerra's house for a play date with her son Jonah. Danielle and her son Blaine are coming, too. I haven't seen any of them for almost two months now, so I am ready to get Keaton out and let him wear himself out with the boys. Hopefully the weather will get nicer around here so we can do it more often!

I think that's enough for one day. Not sure what all is going on this weekend, but hopefully the weather will be nice and we can take Qiang out to see the sights. More later!


1 comment:

Lilli O said...

Great pics!

You should have come to TUlsa with Casey so I could see you and Keaton!

Enjoy the milestones...sometimes we get so wrapped up in things and daily life we forget to really cherish the moments. Keaton's an amazing little guy!