Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Keaton's Natural State

Last night I laid Keaton down for bed, as usual. Everything seemed to be normal until Casey and I heard a strange noise over the monitor... Keaton was awake again, and standing up doing something, so I decided to go investigate. When I walked in, there he was in all his glory: Stark naked and holding his diaper, pjs on the floor. I turned the light on and he got this huge, proud grin on his face and said, "Keaton naked!! Diaper off!!!" Oh. My. Goodness. And being the totally inappropriate parent I am, I started laughing and called Casey in to witness it. He laughed, too. I'm sure that didn't help us as far as trying to teach Keaton not to do things like that anymore, but it was too funny not to. Casey took a picture (which I may add if I can edit it a little... don't want it coming back to haunt Keaton too much when he's older... Haha!! Friends have suggested to put his diaper on backwards at night (if it becomes a problem) and safety pin his pjs. More fun to come, I'm certain! LOL... parenthood.

That's all for today- I got out of class early so I've been running around like a maniac trying to get things accomplished while little man is at school. I picked up the house a bit, vacuumed, cleaned the guest bathtub/shower, threw in a load of laundry, and got photos picked out for class on Thursday. All in all, a pretty productive (and slightly tiring) few hours to say the least. Just thought I would fill you in on our little nudist while I had a chance. :)


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