Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm Pregnant. With Twins. No big deal.

Can I get a collective HOLY CRAP from the audience!?!?!?!?

Okay, here we go. Found out I was pregnant on August 1st. Casey was in the UK, and I broke down and told him over the phone because I was a tad bit overwhelmed. Puppy. 2.5 year old. Holy cow. Overwhelmed.

Rewind a bit to 6-7 months ago, when I was pregnant and then miscarried. That was hard, to say the least. So we decided that we would just let it happen when it is supposed to, and got a dog instead. THREE WEEKS after Riese blessed us with his presence, I apparently got pregnant. The best part about this was, given some irregularity after the miscarriage (sorry if TMI), I didn't actually know I was pregnant until 6 weeks in. I knew I was tired, but I figured that was because I was potty training a child and a dog at the same time. Running after both of them, trying to teach Keaton how to be nice to his puppy, and trying to stop Riese from chewing on Keaton. Attempting not to let the house cave in on itself. It was quite the task. So there I was again, overwhelmed.

Then I found out that I was not able to go to school this semester- my afternoon Studio class got canceled, and then I got word the same day that because I was pregnant, I shouldn't take the film photography class because of the chemicals. So no school for me. Disappointed, but I figure everything happens for a reason. I've gone back twice, I'll go back again, right? Right???? That was the day we told our parents, because I didn't want to have to lie about being in classes that I wasn't really in. We knew it was early, but we figured that because I really felt pregnant this time (unlike last time) there was a better probability that this would be viable.

So time went on. We didn't tell a lot of people, because we didn't want a repeat of last time. About two weeks ago, we heard a heartbeat. I will add that they found one heartbeat and didn't look for another. We were just so happy to hear it and know that things were going the way they were 'supposed' to.

Okay, now on to the biggest news- our first ultrasound. Keaton took an early and glorious nap yesterday, and woke up very happy and excited to go with Casey and I to see his baby brother or sister. (I'm only 12.5 weeks along, so we knew we wouldn't see the sex. At that point, Casey was still on the fence about finding out what sex the baby is- but I was pushing him pretty hard to find out. We were surprised with Keaton, but I want to know if I need to start buying girly stuff now!) We get to the doctor's office, and basically get right in to the ultrasound room. Right away, when the tech put the instrument on my stomach, I thought it looked like a lot of 'things' in there, but Casey and I both felt like maybe it was just other body parts. We are not Ultrasound techs, after all. I don't really remember hearing much else before and after the word "Twins". I sat there in disbelief. I honestly couldn't believe that there are two little humans- healthy and thriving- living inside me right now. People would joke around with me and say, "What if you have twins?" and I'd almost always reply with, "You can visit me at the state mental institution!" Never, ever did we think we would have 3 children. Twins. I'm not a very religious person, but I can't think anything other than the fact that God wouldn't have given us this if He didn't think we could handle it. And prayers are welcome, because I still have no clue how my little body is going to hold these two... but all I can do is take care of myself, eat well- and more often- and try to rest. I wish I could save up some of the energy and sleep I might get in the next 5 or 6 months and transfer it to when I will really need it after the babies are born.

Babies. Holy crap.

Other random thoughts. Will I look like Jabba the Hutt at the end of all of this? Who wants to come cook food for me and clean my house while I grow some babies? And the dog?!?!? What the hell am I going to do about this big, hyper, ever growing fur ball and three kids? And a fish?! And please send me some girl vibes, because I need some estrogen up in this house. Even the fish is male. One girl, that's all I'm asking. And if it's two boys, I will be happy still... but I'd really like a little girl. Anyway... what else... How will I go grocery shopping? How will I go ANYWHERE?? LOL.... do we just break down and buy a minivan now? A school bus? I don't know. Do we get a bigger house? Do we add on to the one we have? Do we move home? LOL... seriously, I can only laugh right now. Will I ever, ever sleep again? How do you feed two babies at once? Will I ever get to shower again? These are the things I was thinking about last night instead of sleeping.

A few other things: Yes, we are finding out the sexes. The tech wasn't sure, but she thought they were identical. Twins run in Casey's family, on his Mom's side. They are due March 25th. Keaton is really excited. Heck, we all are. :) I'm feeling pretty well so far- TIRED, hungry, and again, overwhelmed. But the best kind of overwhelmed you can be.

I am so very thankful for all of the love and support we have received so far already. I know that I could not do it without the positive, wonderful things people are sending our way. Encouragement goes a VERY long way!!! Thanks to all. Here goes nothing, folks!

-Ashley... and the babies. Holy crap.


Clare said...

Oh my goodness!! Congrats Ashley, Casey, and Keaton!!! This is so cool, I can't imagine how scared/worried you are now. I wonder if you were blessed with two b/c you lost one ?? Not sure if that is a belief you have, but it was one of the first things that crossed my mind. Babywearing will save your life. You should look at cloth diapers to save some serious money too. We started when Fiona was 1 and James was cloth diapered from birth(not at night after a year). You don't have to buy a mini-van, there are some narrow seats that you can fit 3 across. Those are the questions I can help with right now. What an amazing blessing for you guys!! ((HUGS))

Murali Sankar Venkatraman said...

Loved your narration !

Mama said...

So happy for you guys! Let me tell you now that takethemameal.com has saved us this pregnancy. A friend set up an account & helped coordinate so that we didn't have to stress as much over food. Once again congratulations. :)

Steph Rayman

Chimpsea said...

You will totally figure it out! Start a list of what you want help with now (food, cleaning, taking Keaton to do something special, laundry, walking Riese) and then when anyone asks how they can help, or says, "Call if you need help" you are ready with really clear, specific things you want or need! Definitely rest. It will be good. I'm sending you girl vibes... but do keep in mind that if you have twin girls you'll have to deal with TEENAGE twin girls ;)