Monday, September 24, 2012

Almost 14 weeks!

Oh babies!!! So the shock is (slowly) wearing off, and reality is setting in. And those two little people in my tummy right now are GROWING. A lot. There are two pair of jeans that are officially down for the count now. Even the Belly Band can't help them anymore... they are just tight. I am now also going to the bathroom more often than my toddler. TMI? Just wait. LOL...

We are almost at 14 weeks now. The only real complaint I have, besides the stretching of various body parts, is the crazy K9 sense of smell I seem to have right now. Everything smells. Ironically, it's usually the dog that sends me over the edge and talking myself out of getting sick. With Keaton, I never got sick, but I thought about it a few times. Today, I was doing Keaton's laundry and came across some clothes that I apparently didn't wash out well enough after he peed after nap the other day... and I about lost it. I was actually saying to myself, "Don't do it! Don't get sick!!" And it apparently worked. But between that, and the dog (food, treats, and even sweat from playing outside), my stomach is doing flips today. Casey was kind enough to take off work a little early and come home to get Keaton and take him shopping so I could take a small nap. He set up a play date for the dog, and even brought home a Portillo's Chocolate Cake shake with dinner. He. Is. Awesome. I am spoiled. Life is good.

Now for the "Random Thoughts" section of the blog. Oh, who am I kidding... it's pretty much all random.

A few things not to do/say to pregnant women:

1) "You look like you are going to explode." (Good reason this is #1 on my list. Someone said this to me when I was only 5 months pregnant with Keaton, and it still pisses me off whenever I think about it!)

2) Actually, maybe it's better just not to comment on how big or small a pregnant woman is- or will be. We can all speculate that I'm going to be gigantic at the end of this... but hearing about it doesn't really make me feel better!

3) "You need to eat more." Sometimes there is this 'wall' that you hit when you are pregnant. There is either a lot of baby in there, or you feel nauseous, and sometimes you just can't fit anything else in there. I'm trying my best to stretch this stomach out and allow plenty of room for the little ones to grow, but sometimes I simply can't eat another bite! Talk to me in about 30 minutes and I'll probably be hungry again.

4) "You look tired." I am tired. And this can often be translated to mean, "You look like crap." Tread lightly, my friends.

There will be more, I'm certain. For now I'm heading to bed!


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