Monday, April 1, 2013

Am I awake? Will I ever sleep again?

It's me again! I promise we are all doing fine. We are sleeping... sometimes. We are eating- not as often as the tiny men are, but still. They are starting to space feedings out to about 4 hours, which has been nice at night because we get a few hours of sleep in a row. It makes a big difference when you need your brain to function somewhat normally. Casey has gotten up with me every time they wake up to cry, so he gets some major Daddy Points. He may not have been fully *awake* for all of them... but I guess I can say that he does know how to change a diaper in his sleep. Literally. :)

My good friend Janine took pictures of the five of us recently, and the ones I have seen so far have been terrific! I'm really excited to see the rest she's taken. It's great to have pictures of the boys (all three!) when they are so small, because they are growing like weeds! They are both over 5 lbs now and will probably be at 6 soon. They are gaining about an ounce each day. They also spit up all the darn time, and have pretty bad reflux, so they are now on Zantac (for babies). It's helped so far, and probably one of the reasons they are spacing out feedings. Good times.

So life is chaotic. Crazy. Fun. Never a dull moment. Juggling children is something we will all have to get used to sooner than later. Today was basically a test run for when Casey goes to work all day. Tomorrow it will be me with the little guys all day while K is at school and Casey is at work. I think we should be fine (and I am excited about my nap at some point during the day!).

Yadda yadda yadda... I'm so tired I can't even think of what else to write, even though I know there is plenty more to update about. Maybe I'll remember that in the early morning hours one of these nights when I'm somewhat coherent. :) Until then...


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