Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Keatonisms, 4 year old edition

Happy Keatonism Tuesday!

We went to Red Lobster for Keaton's birthday dinner, his choice. He almost ate more crab legs than I did, which I didn't think was possible. After dinner, he decided to stop at every table on the way out to show them his birthday shirt and tell them he was four.

"I'm excited to be four! Then I don't have to take naps anymore!" (Still napping, thank goodness!)

"I just like cake."

"There's one seat for a big year old."

I tend not to speak well when I'm hungry. Keaton knows this. I messed up what I was trying to say pretty badly, and he said, "You must be hungry hungry hungry!"

I felt his forehead to see if he had a temperature. "Did you feel my brain?"

He heard Foo Fighters on the radio: "What does it mean? Do they fight? Do they foo?"

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