Friday, June 11, 2010

4 month stats

This morning Keaton went in for his 4 month check up... here are the stats!
15 lbs, 7 oz (63rd percentile)
25.5 inches long (70th percentile)*** I was wrong, he is 72nd percentile! Bad Mommy for leaving out 2%!!)
Head is 16.5 inches (49th percentile)

He took the first shot really well, but the second one made him SCREAM! He quieted down shortly afterward, though, and now he's sleeping. I didn't even get him out of his carseat because he was so content. In the exam room I was playing with him before the doctor came in, and started making this buzzing noise, which was apparently hilarious in Baby Land because he was cracking up! He would belly laugh over and over. I took a mental note that it may be the only time today I see him smile, due to the shots, but hopefully I'll be wrong. Yesterday was a tough day, but Case came home a little early to help out, and held him for over an hour so I could rest. I couldn't sleep, though, but laying on the couch was nice for awhile.

Last night we put Keaton in the Johnny Jump Up that our neighbor let us borrow. He really seemed to like it, although I think he got frustrated because he would bounce himself backwards in a circle and then make little noises when he wasn't going the way he wanted to. He was super cute in it, though, and would bounce more when he saw Casey or Charley Brown. All the exercise made him a bit cranky and he fought going to sleep, in fact, we didn't actually get him to sleep until around 11. Then he slept through the whole night, and was sound asleep this morning at 5 when Casey's alarm went off. I totally freaked b/c I hadn't heard him yet, so I ran in only to see him sleeping soundly. He was fine. Apparently he tried to reach his binky at one point and tried scooting himself around, but got too tired to get it, so he gave up- with his foot hanging out of the He woke up to eat around 5:30, which is almost an hour and a half later than normal. I wish I would not freak myself out about that stuff... I wasn't sure what to do with myself, but I definitely couldn't go back to sleep after 5. It will be nice when I can calm down and not freak out about things like this... sleep is good! For all of us!

I guess that's about all for now. Glad things went well this morning, and hope the rest of the day goes the same!


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