Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I miss my brain.

The start of another week. Actually, it technically started yesterday, but my parents and Casey left within about an hour of each other, and it was a pretty quiet day. I was exhausted yesterday for some reason, and the day is sort of a blur.

My parents' visit went fast, as usual. On Wednesday night we went out to dinner for their 49th wedding anniversary. This was after we spent almost 30 minutes trying to find my keys... I must have been completely out of it when I put them in a different part of the diaper bag than normal. And after calling Casey and getting a crash course in installing the car seat in my parents' car. And after feeling like a total jackass, which was compounded when I opened the diaper bag and actually found the stupid keys after all that time. Meanwhile, the bottle I had prepared for Keaton started leaking in the diaper bag- apparently I had put the wrong bottle parts together. The lid leaked, and we ended up having to throw all 5 oz of milk away. Any other nursing moms out there might know the pain I felt as I dumped the remainder down the drain... ouch. Anyway, he ate and was fine. Everything worked out, and we enjoyed a nice meal with my family.

Thursday morning, my parents and I took Keaton to Walmart so we could do some grocery shopping. Mom cooked and Dad did yard work most of the day while I got ready to go to work for a few hours to get reaquainted with everything before my first full day back on Sunday. More on that later. I came home to a great meal, and Keaton did well with his grandparents while I was gone. Friday we took him to Babie's R Us and the Carter's outlet near our house, and Grandma spoiled him with a ton of new clothes. He is now in the 3-6 month range, leaning more toward 6 months. He's a big guy!

Saturday we headed to downtown Chicago so my parents could get a feel for the city. It was much warmer than expected, so we stripped Keaton down to a onesie and let his little chunky legs get some air. He got to check out the "Bean" (Cloud Gate) in Millennium Park. He got to hear a really good drumline there as well. He also go to see his mom in Jackass mode again when I almost left our very expensive camera on a park bench in the middle of the park. Luckily no one took it, but I ran with Keaton in the Bjorn back to our table to get it... can I say again how glad I am that no one took the camera? Yikes. I am still embarrassed. Can anyone else out there back up the fact that Mom Brain is a real thing??? Please????

Sunday was my first day back to work in 6 months. It was nice to see everyone again and get back into work mode. That said, I'm glad I will only work a couple of days a month, because it was really hard to be away from my boys. The fam stopped by half-way through the day to bring me lunch and so I could see Keat for a few minutes. It made the rest of the day go by a little faster.

Keaton started doing a lot of things while my parents were in town. He tried rolling from his back to his tummy each day, and is still working on it, but we are VERY close. He also watched my Mom do Patty-Cake, and after a bit of observation, started putting his hands together whenever she would sing it! He keeps his hands in little fists, but puts them together like he's clapping. He did it again last night for Casey, too. :) Too cute! Sometimes he'll do it and get a little smile on his face, as if to say, "I did it!"

He sat in his high chair for the first time this weekend, too. I think he's getting very ready to eat solid food, because he loves watching people eat, and will open his mouth when I put a spoon or other object in front of it. We've let him taste different things so he can get used to the idea of various foods. Soon... very soon he'll sit in his high chair and have food all over the place. I still hope Charley's around to see that!! He will love it. :)

He's started scooting himself around more, too. Last night when I went in to check on him, he'd scooted himself 180 degrees in the crib. He pushs himself to the edge of his play mat every time he's on it now, normally to reach a toy. He will be mobile very soon! Ahhhhh!!! In general, he learned a lot while his grandparents were in town, and had tons of smiles for them in appreciation. :) With that, another weekend came to a close. Time to start another busy week.


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