Monday, July 11, 2011

More Keatonisims

He said so many things this weekend... really. I can't remember them all. He's also been singing a lot. Yesterday he said "E I E I O" (after a few tries) and he helped filled in the blank to the theme from Elmo's World. I just sang the "La la la la, la la la la" and paused, and he said, "Melmo!". That was pretty awesome. :) Today when it started raining, he was looking out the window and I said, "It's raining!" and he started doing the hand gestures to the Itsy Bitsy Spider. LOVE. IT.

This morning, Keaton "tooted" (that's our word for passing gas in the Hetrick household) and I said, "Keaton, did you toot?" and he smiled really big and said, "Toots!" LOL...

Sometimes he will look at me and said, "Mama, I wan wah-wah." He even throws in the little doe eyes and blinks them at me. Then he moves on to "Mama, WAH-WAH." If I don't give it to him by then, meltdown ensues. We're working on it.

In other news, we had a great weekend. The weather was nice and hot, so Saturday afternoon we went for a swim in our neighbors' pool. Our neighbor Rob and his 4 girls were all there swimming, too, so we had a great time hanging out with them. They invited us to dinner that evening, so we went to Old Country Buffet (I think the last time I was there was in high school?) and got to witness what it was like for one guy to try to feed 4 girls under 10. It was pretty chaotic. I don't even know if he was able to eat anything, because as soon as he would get one girl settled, another one would ask for something. Sidenote, I will never have 4 kids.

So after watching Rob be Super Dad at dinner, we invited him over to sit outside and have some drinks once the kids went to bed. It was great catching up with him. A lot of crap has been going on in his life (read: soon-to-be EX wife is being a complete moron and is causing a lot of drama for him, his kids, and people on our street). Casey and I didn't realize how much had been going on around here or how far we were out of the loop until speaking with him. It was refreshing to see someone with such a great head on their shoulders, working his ass off to make sure his kids fare as well as possible in that type of situation. I still don't understand how a guy who has 2 jobs has to give up 60% of his paycheck to his wife who cheated on him (numerous times), among other things. It is just ridiculous. Anyway, I shouldn't air someone else's dirty laundry in my blog, so I apologize.

Well, little man is waking up now, so I should go. Time for lunch!


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