Friday, July 15, 2011

Time for a Change

I can always think of so many things during the day that might be blog-worthy. Then, when I actually have a free moment to sit down at the computer and blog, nothing. Oh well. I guess it'll be more Keatonisms or something... or whatever topic my brain lands on.

How about... Productivity. It has been on my mind a lot lately. I look around my house and get overwhelmed with the amount of things I need to do. The problem is, I'm not doing anything. I must scare myself into submission because I feel paralyzed when I JUST cleaned up all the toys, or JUST swept the floor, and it's a mess again. That said, I managed to get quite a few things done yesterday, and it felt good. Sometimes I wish I had the energy to do it when Keaton goes to sleep, because then it would be clean for more than a few hours! Oh well. If I can ever convince Casey that we need a maid, I will stop complaining about my house. So pretty much... never. ;)

It looks like Dr. Hetrick and I may actually get a date night tomorrow night. I found a babysitter at the last minute, so we may take in dinner and a movie. We need to do things like that more often. I get so wrapped up in being Keaton's Mommy that I tend to forget about being Casey's wife. So we're working on that. I am super glad it's Friday, and I'm ready for the weekend (minus that dentist appointment in the morning to have a cavity filled...). Not sure what we have planned this weekend, but I hope to take in every minute of it. The weeks seem kind of long right now, probably because Keaton and I tend to do the same things every day. Wake up. Watch Curious George. Eat breakfast. Clean up. Play with toys until Keaton wears out. Nap (sometimes I do, too.). Eat lunch. Clean up. Play with toys- especially the beloved BUBBLES. Haha! Eat a snack. Wait for Daddy to get home. Eat dinner. Keaton goes to bed, then I clean up again. Seriously... over and over and over. Time for a break in the schedule! But before long it won't be summer anymore, and I will miss days like this. I just need to remember that I am the one that can change things around here... so I should. And I will.

That's enough from me for today. Time to go do something!

Casey and Keaton drew this on our driveway last night. The little pink squiggly lines were all Mr. K.

1 comment:

Lilli O said...

I feel the same way...weeks get long cause we end up doing the same thing over and over. Luckily we have playdates or appts here and there, but I always wonder if I should be doing other things?
And ditto on date nights..I wish we had the chance to do those more. Sometimes you just need to be a wife or yourself instead of MOM.
Anyway, hope you have a good weekend!