Friday, May 18, 2012


I apparently have "the crud". Pretty sure it's a sinus infection, but I don't know that I'll bet money on that since I was way off with Keaton's ailments this week. Either way, I feel a bit better today. I guess I timed it about right, because I was sick on a day that Keaton was at school, and I no longer have classes. I was able to rest most of yesterday, and I think that helped. What didn't help was waking up at 2:30 and not being able to go back to sleep until almost 5 this morning. Oh well... I'll have to nap when Keaton does today.

Speaking of that guy, he said another funny thing yesterday that I had to share. At Keaton's school, they sing various songs in the morning during Circle Time. One is about the continents. The other day he asked me where Europe was, so I pulled up a world map to show him. We looked at a lot of other images, too, including the solar system. Last night Keaton and I were outside drawing with chalk, when he asked me to draw planet Earth. I drew a terrible rendition of Earth and he got really excited and started yelling out continents: "Sou 'Merica! 'Merica! Africa! SYRUP!" I laughed so hard that my head throbbed. Syrup. That one was worth blogging about.

I guess that's all for now. We've got a busy weekend, so I'm going to try my best to feel better so we can do all the fun things we have planned. Sounds like vitamin C and sunshine are in order today.


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