Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Amazing Little Man

I have started talking to Keaton about his 'role' in both weddings next month. I tried telling him about weddings, and this is what he got from it: "Walk down aisle, dance, eat cake! Mitch and Leslie have a wedding!" I also showed him a picture of a tuxedo that he will wear in "Uncle" Kyle's wedding, and he was thrilled. I figure that if I show him now and talk to him about it, he will *hopefully* not have an issue with wearing it next month. So far so good. :)

Tonight I also talked to him about going potty before his bath. He sat down on the toilet, looked at his "boy parts" (as we call them) and started peeing! He looked up at me and said, "I did it!!!" and then stood up... luckily he stopped going long enough to celebrate, then sat back down and went again. I danced a freaking jig for this kid. I am so proud! I hope he keeps it up! The other day, he went #2 for the first time (mainly because I caught him in the middle of it, but he kept going when I got him on the toilet, which is a first)! Maybe we are making headway. I got him a cute little book called Potty which we read every time he tries to go. He especially likes the last page called "Undies" which has drawings of a bunch of different types of underwear with various designs on them. He has to be sure to tell me all of the designs before we can close the book.

Speaking of books, he loves them. We read before nap and bedtime every day that he's home. He loves some of the stories I used to love, like "Owl and the Moon" from the Owl At Home book, and "Cookies" from Frog and Toad Are Friends. I was also a big Arnold Lobel fan as a child. It's so fun to read the stories I used to like and see him get excited about them, too. I think it's even more fun when he wants to read it himself when I'm finished. Someday, when my phone is able to upload videos to YouTube again, I will share videos of him "reading". :)

So Keaton has yet another ear infection (which would explain his crazy moods last week). Never had a fever or gave us any warning of it, besides that. So I was pretty shocked when I took him in on Monday to check out the gunk in his eye to find out that he not only had an ear infection, but *bacterial* pink eye. This is not the same pink eye that we all freak out about, apparently. It's a less contagious kind and thankfully it appears that we haven't spread it to anyone else. Feel pretty terrible that we were even in a situation where we could have spread it to other friends, but I guess we lucked out. Thank you Lord.

That said, we had to spend the last few days at home. Giving the kid eye drops was pretty horrific, but he's a trooper at taking his oral meds. Yesterday was gorgeous, so we sat outside on a blanket in the back yard and watched the baby birds (which are nesting in our bathroom vent) get fed by the Mommy and Daddy birds. It was a fun experience, and Keaton had a lot of questions. "Where Mommy bird go?" or he'd squeal "Baby birds!!!" whenever the little guys would poke their heads out. Fun times with my little man. We laid on the blanket and watched them, as well as the large number of airplanes flying in the sky. He was totally digging it.

*Another note about the birds- we were talking about them again tonight, and he said, "Mommy and Daddy bird? No, no Daddy bird." I said, "Where's the Daddy bird?" and he said, "He goes school." I humored him and said, "What is he studying at school?" and he said, "Flying airplanes." Hahaha!

LOVE this kid so much. He's a ton of fun right now. When he's not having a Moody Two moment.



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