Saturday, May 5, 2012

Catching Up

I am really trying to remember all the things that have happened since April 19th. It's Cinco de Mayo... I've got a lot of days in between to try and update. Hmmm... well since I can't really remember what's been going on in that time, here are some of my Facebook status posts instead. Should summarize at least a little bit:

4-19: Mr. K quote of the day: "Mommy, I wan go da ocean. See whale. No, dolphin. Noooo... ride a boat."

4-20: "Keaton and I were dancing with Ellen today. He turned around, saw me dancing, and said, "No thank you, Mommy." At least he was polite about it...? Haha.."

4-22: "Nerdy Photography student alert: I was walking to the kitchen to do the dishes when some great lighting caught my eye. I spent 20+ minutes taking pictures of it. Needless to say, the dishes are still sitting there..."

4-25: "Ironic that the Today Show segment yesterday about the top 5 'useless majors' wouldn't have been seen without the work of people who majored in them.

1. Fine arts
2. Drama and theater arts
3. Film, video & photographic arts
4. Commercial art & graphic design
5. Architecture

I think the world would be a pretty boring place without us crazy 'art folk' in it. Proud to be in a 'useless major'... I'm doing what I love!"

4-27: "My parents sent their antique slide projector to me along with a ton of slides, circa 1983-85. Can't really explain my excitement right now!! I also can't wait to turn some of these into actual photos at some point, and use the projector for a photography project I'm working on. :-D"

4-29: "The moon is no longer for sale: Keaton purchased it tonight with "money" (three stars cut out of construction paper). :)"

4-30: "Conversation with Keaton just now:
K- "I like you, Mommy."
Me- "I love you, Keaton, and I like you too."
K- "Ohhhh... nice!"

5-1: "Today I bumped my knee and Keaton kissed it to make it feel better. And it worked. :)"

5-2: "I've got a ton on my plate the next few days, but I am happy to say that I survived another semester!! If I can get through the next week and get all my projects/"surprise" writing assignments completed, I will sum this up as the most successful semester yet. Can't wait to do it again in the Fall!!"

Only one more week left of this semester, and I have to say, it's been a great one. I met some amazing people, and now feel a lot more confident in my abilities as a photographer. I think this is honestly the first time in my many years as a student that I feel motivated and have that hunger for knowledge that so many people talk about... it just took the right major for me, I guess. I'm excited about what is to come!

Keaton's been both hilarious and moody as heck lately... such is the life of a two year old, I suppose. He will have one or two meltdowns every day. He hasn't wanted to sleep much the past week or so, but he went from having the Hetrick grandparents here and then having my Mom around to entertain him, so he's been pretty keyed up. He's also said some great things, including:

"You look cute, Mommy."

"I have poo poo chicken nuggets" (I once made the mistake of saying he had 'poop nuggets' which basically means his poo was the consistency of rabbit pellets... too much information, I know... but you only know saying it is a mistake when you hear your kid repeat it, especially if he changes the words!)

Me- "Keaton, I love you." Keaton, "I love you too, Mommy!" (Heart melted.)

He can basically recite all the words in "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" and someday when I can get the video to download, I'll post it on YouTube. It's pretty great. He will even correct himself if he says the wrong animal- i.e. "Brown Bear, brown bear, what you see? I see purple cat looking at me. No, no purple cat. Red bird." Adorable.

I need to stop writing for tonight.. it's almost midnight. I'll try to catch up more soon!


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