Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Almost There!

Written 11\28:

Well, we've made it to 23 weeks! One more week until "viability". I go back to the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor tomorrow for a cervix check...hopefully everything will look the same a last week. A family member asked if it was weird that people are praying for my cervix... While it does make me laugh, I actually really appreciate it! I'm kind of praying for it, too. I may not be a very religious person, but I do think this experience has made me more of a believer than I used to be. Being pregnant with twins is definitely a miracle to me.

Thanksgiving came so fast, and now we are in full swing for Christmas. I can't believe it's winter already. Lights are up, tree should be up next weekend, Santa mall visit is happening soon. I can't go shipping this year, so I guess I'll be shopping online! It could still be fun, though. I have fine out a few times with the boys to get various things, but I get worn out quickly and have to go pretty slowly when I do. Last night we went to Best Buy and were considering getting a new camera for me. The man helping us was in a wheelchair. He actually got up and let me sit in it! What a nice guy... I couldn't refuse. I'm going to have to let my pride down and suit in one more often, I think. Darn bed rest.

Anyway, I go to my OB on Friday...can't wait to see how much weight I've gained so far! That is one perk if being pregnant over the holidays...I'm going to stuff my face and not think twice about it.  :-)

I should be awake soon, so I'm going to go. More later!


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