Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Almost Thanksgiving

I just got a new phone, and decided to download the Blogger app, so here goes my first entry... Chances are you won't even be able to tell the difference.

The AT&T repairman is here right now, and the dog is going nuts. I started out with the disclaimer, "Sorry, I'm basically supposed to be on bed rest, so I can't really pull him off of you." Please don't sue me, Mr. AT&T man. I put Riese out back, but the downside is it's muddy and he and the neighbor dog have been conspiring and digging a hole under the fence. Both times I've let him out to go to the bathroom today, I've had to catch him and get down and wipe off his muddy paws before he runs through the house. Probably not the greatest thing for me to try to do right now, but I can't just let him go free and make a huge mess that someone else well have to clean up, if I can avoid it. Casey's parents and middle sister are flying in tonight for Thanksgiving, and I can't say that I'm not embarrassed by the state of our house glad they understand and don't expect Martha Stewart cleanliness right now (or ever, from me).

In other news, this morning we went to a potluck at Keaton's school. I was under the impression that we were eating Thanksgiving lunch with the kids, but I was sorely mistaken. We were to bring the food and watch them eat it. They had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cornbread muffins, fruit, and even pumpkin pie. I sat there in my chair and watched my kid eat the fruit, muffin, a bite or two of turkey, and an entire piece of pumpkin pie. All the rest was thrown away... I would have gladly volunteered to clean his plate! So after we were done, I ran to Sonic and grabbed some food, as I was about to eat my arm. Kind of bummed that it all worked out that way, but there want much I could do, you know? Keaton had fun with his friends, and that's all that really matters. :)

That's all for now. Casey's parents are on the way now and I'm trying to keep Keaton and Riese in one piece. I missed my nap today and I'm really feeling it right now! More later!


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