Thursday, February 11, 2010

Same Stuff, Different Day

So I give up. After an impromptu doctor's appointment yesterday, I am still a 4 cm, 100% effaced, and am not really contracting significantly enough now to count for anything. I go back in today around 1, but I don't expect to hear anything's been the same for a few days now... "Don't come in unless 1) your water breaks, 2) you have contractions so painful you cannot talk through them, or 3) you start bleeding."

I have decided that as uncomfortable as I am right now, I'm just going to let Peanut decide when the best time to come out is, and I'm not going to try to walk 800 miles anymore, or eat spicy food, or do all the little 'tricks' people tell you about. So far none of them have worked. In fact, so far I am becoming skeptical of just about anything anyone tells me. The triage nurse did me in by telling me we'd probably be back in Sunday night or Monday to give birth, and that I'd definitely not go until my due date. I'm starting to think, even though I have quite a bit of time before the 26th, that she may have been totally wrong. Too many women I know were basically told the same thing, and had to be induced. Part of me also wonders if we would have made any more progress had we not left the hospital on Sunday, since that was when we made the most. But oh well, no use wasting time thinking about what could have happened, because at this rate I'm still pregnant. And more uncomfortable than I have been the entire time, mainly because the baby has dropped even lower now, and my stomach is drooping and huge. Everyone has noticed. I don't even want to take any more pictures at this point (even though I'm sure we will) because I look like I'm trying to steal a basketball... I wondered the other night when I was waddling out of Walmart all bundled up in my coat, if someone would ever suspect I was hiding something under my coat instead of being pregnant. I know a woman pretended to be preggo on a plane once and almost got away with smuggling a monkey into the US. So yeah... I'm sure it's been done before. Anyway, if someone dare ask me to prove my pregnancy, LOOK OUT! Haha... it's only because I'm borderline miserable and, in addition, have no filter anymore. I will tell anyone the story of the past few days, and I don't really hold back on details. I feel sorry for everyone around me right now... I think I'll have some apologies to make when it's all over. :P

Before I forget (and a bit off the subject), yesterday morning while I was blogging, Illinois experienced a small earthquake! I was sitting here at my computer when I heard a noise that sounded like a jet was flying really low to the ground- with vibration and everything- so I looked out the window to see what it was, because it sounded scary! Didn't feel much, though. Then we turned on the news and found out it had been an earthquake- they are saying it was about 4.3. Weird! If Peanut would have come out yesterday, someday I'd be able to tell them that story... alas, it was not to be. And again we're back to baby talk. Sorry, people... I've got a one-track mind right now. :-/

Well, the Hetricks made it home safely yesterday, and Mom, Casey and I are spending some quality time together. Mom and I plan to do some shopping today and go to my appointment at 12:45. I think we're just going to have to treat it like it's a normal week and the whole 'early labor' thing didn't happen. What a crock! I'll be a mom soon, and maybe I shouldn't rush it.

The endlessly impatient mommy-to-be,


PS: Peanut has decided that his/her permanent foot rest is the bottom of my left rib cage. I almost always have a little bump sticking out there. I can even push the feet back in, but it almost always kicks back harder. Car rides are the most painful thing at this point, because that's when Peanut really starts pushing and squirming around. I will have some fun stories to tell the kid after it's born!! "Here's the story about how your broke Mommy's ribs!"


Chimpsea said...

Oh Ashley, you are a champ. Peanut is just not done cooking yet! Maybe it's too cold in IL.

Hang in there, you can do it and I'm thinking of you. I can only imagine what you are feeling since I am quite tired of being pregnant and I'm not even close to your situation! I hope you can get some relief and rest at least a little bit.

Jenny said...

Looks like he just wanted to gain the upper hand and have you give up before he would come. :p Congrats on Keaton! Love you guys!

Ashley said...

I love reading this post now that Keaton is here... makes me remember how miserable I was and how I thought it was never going to happen, but less than 24 hours later, he was born!!