Friday, February 5, 2010

Soon... very, very soon.... (37 week appt)

Well, I have a bit to report this morning. I went in for my 37 week appointment today. Got to meet a new doctor- I like him a LOT and wouldn't mind having him in the delivery room if possible. He definitely made up for the fact that I had the bitchy nurse again this morning... she was a tad less bitchy today, probably because Casey was in the room. She didn't tell me my weight, or BP, or the baby's heart rate, but I figure she would have told me if anything was wrong, or the doctor would have anyway. So I had the first internal exam today (which was quick and painless, thank God!!). I was not expecting the doctor to go, "Whoa!" (or maybe it was 'wow' or something along those lines...)during the exam; it turns out I'm dilated to a 2- possibly 3 now! Holy Crap. This doesn't necessarily mean a whole heck of a lot, though, and I could be this way for weeks, but it's still progress! I am 75% effaced. So basically, all the strange aches and pains I've felt lately have definitely been for a reason! The baby is still head down, and hopefully it'll stay that way now... since it's dropping, there's a good chance it'll stay in that position. Things are moving right along!

I can't lie and say that I'm not a little freaked out. In the best possible way, of course. It's just crazy to think that this could happen at about any time now, and we have proof that things have started progressing. I think I am nervous about the labor process, and excited for the part afterward where we get to meet the baby, bring it home, and I get to lose sleep for a better reason than having to pee every hour or having my hips fall asleep. But I'm going to be a Mom soon! That is so weird!! There are so many emotions going on right now that I'm a little overwhelmed and not able to think clearly. (That could also be because I got MAYBE 2 hours of sleep last night... but whatever...) It is also a bit more apparent to me that the sort of crampy feeling I have had a few times recently must have been contractions. It is weird to get to this point. You wait for months, thinking about the baby, and labor, and all that goes with it. But when you are staring labor almost in the face, it's like waiting in line for your first roller coaster ride... You know it's going to be exciting. You know you want to do it. You just hope you don't get stuck on the track somewhere, upside down, needing someone to come rescue you. And you know that at the end, as long as everything goes the way it's supposed to, you will feel exhilarated, and tired, and happy you did it. It will be one of the biggest thrills you get in your life. Anticipation can be a very scary thing sometimes! You just have to trust that the people operating the roller coaster know what they're doing, and be sure to buckle your seat belt. I just want to know when this ride is going to start!!

Enough metaphorical craziness for one day. I'm going to attempt to sleep now, and wait for Casey to call back and let me know his schedule next week so we can fly my mom here earlier than we had planned, just in case. Wow. Lots to think about today. :)


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