Saturday, February 27, 2010

Keaton gives back

So far whenever anything comes out of Keaton, a long string of words come out of my mouth that I hope he doesn't learn for a very very long time. But we've had quite a few interesting moments today as far as that's concerned. We took him out to Target to get a few things and walk around a bit (mainly for my benefit so I can get out into the real world a bit more, and walking seems to help out my recovery process a bit). Anyway, after Target we went to Bakers Square and had some pie while Keaton slept. He has been EXCELLENT anytime we take him out. Even the 4 hours spent at the car dealership last weekend barely phased him... he just sleeps. So we get home and Case goes in to change his diaper. I always end up going in the room when he's doing this, because I normally hear him shout something and find out later that he got peed on- again. This time was no different. I went in to try to help him out and see if I could give him any advice. Then when I tried to help by putting diaper rash cream on his little bum, he decided to 'give back' if you will... all over my hand. LOL... Casey and I both started cracking up because we stripped the changing pad down and had to wipe it off several times, as apparently Keaton still had some more to give... and he kept giving and giving. Maybe I should mention that he wasn't peeing at this point. Yeah, it was gross, and a mess, but I want to remember looking at Casey and laughing together about how much of a mess it was and how it just kept coming out! Needless to say, my kid needs a bath, even after we washed him down after Pottyfest 2010. Shortly afterward, he was nursing and apparently decided not to stop eating when he was full, because he spit up all over me- my shirt, jeans, robe, and his blanket. It's been an eventful few hours at the Hetrick household!

His umbilical cord looks like it's going to fall off soon, and it's about time! It will be nice to give him a proper bath instead of the little sponge baths we've had to do to keep it dry. Once that falls off, he should be completely healed; the scab on his head fell off from where he got stuck coming out during labor. His little boy parts are healing nicely after the circumcision (sorry if that's TMI... I felt weird writing it, too... sorry guys), and then his little belly button will be visible once the cord is gone. I'm anxious to go to the Peds appt on Monday (can't tell you how many times I've almost called it the Vet... Yikes!). As most new parents go, I'm sure Casey and I will have plenty of questions about him, and what is normal, etc. I think we both question things on a semi-frequent basis that are probably totally normal, but it'll be good to get reassurance from the doctor.

Casey has been amazing, and took care of Keaton after 3:00 am this morning and allowed me to sleep in until 8! He even made cinnamon rolls and brought them to me in bed! I love that he's such a hands-on Daddy. It does crack me up that anytime he has a question about something Keaton related, he will hop on the internet and look it up. I am really thankful for weekends with Casey- we miss him a lot during the week, and it feels like there is never much time between when he gets home from work and then goes to bed. He's been going to bed early so he can wake up early and help if Keaton needs to be fed, etc. While that is awesome and I appreciate it, I still miss spending time with him. But these are things that we knew would happen, and I know it will get better, esp. when Keaton gets a schedule.

Pretty sure this blog is random... my brain is totally fogged up all the time now. Hopefully some part of this will make sense. I'll probably read it later and wonder what the heck I was talking about...

Until next time,


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