Saturday, March 19, 2011

First fever.

Well, I knew this would happen eventually... Keaton has his first fever. I am glad he's gone 13 months without one- I think we got pretty lucky so far... hopefully he has his Daddy's immune system. Last night when we took his temperature it was around 99, and it basically went away this morning, so we decided to go out and run errands. He was in a good mood and doing fine until this evening, and his fever went up again. When I took it about an hour and a half ago, it was at 101. He's been moaning and rolling around a lot in his crib. I hope this doesn't last long... I hate seeing him like this. There really isn't much I can do, which sucks because all I want to do is fix him. Poor baby boy. Hopefully the ibuprofen and sleep will get him back to his 'old' self soon. He's been coughing a little bit, but not consistently. Not really any other symptoms to speak of, which is why we haven't called the Pediatrician yet. Again, I hope this is over soon!

In other, happier news, I am watching my husband act like a kid on Christmas morning as he builds his 'dream computer'. We went with him today to pick up various parts for it. I really wish I liked going to places like CompUSA and other computer/electronic stores... really, I just wish someone would knock me out so I didn't have to walk up and down aisles of computer parts. But watching Casey right now makes it worth it. He is in a perpetually awesome mood because he is so excited to build this thing. He had fun telling our neighbor Rob about it, who works on computers for a living. He and Case were speaking another language entirely while talking about it... apparently Case made some great decisions about it because the neighbor is pretty stoked to check it out. All I care about is that Case is happy and gets what he wants. He's wanted to build a computer like this for almost a year now, and has been doing hours and hours of research (maybe even days at this rate) to find out exactly what he wants. I look forward to the final result.

I got something fun today, too. A very large piece of White chocolate macadamia nut cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. That made my day. Nuff said.

Well, I guess that's all for now, but hopefully I'll have better news about Mr. K soon. I'm going to go check on him again. I have a feeling it's going to be another night of swiss cheese sleep for me... I just can't sleep knowing he's sick. (Sigh).



Jenny said...

Aw, sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon. A cool washcloth to chew on does wonders for Lucas when he has fevers.

Lilli O said...

Hope Keaton is doing better now. Hopefully its just teething? Since he didnt have many other symptoms? Whatever it is, I hope hes doing better. Oh and give yourself some credit for him not getting sick...I think bfing does help some!