Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Proud Mama

Not entirely sure why, but right now, this minute, I have this overwhelming sense of joy and pride for my child. I am so proud to be his Mom, and so excited to watch him grow up right before my eyes. Yesterday he took his first step, and today he stood (a few times) without support. He also brushed his own hair! I love to hear him chatter to himself and watch him point to things to identify what he wants or where something is. He is just such a neat little kid. It all sounds cheesy when I write it out, but I really don't know if the English language can satisfy me when it comes to trying to describe how I feel about Keaton. He is just a wonderful, smart, amazing little man. I feel so lucky to be his Mom.

That's all for tonight... just had to let that out. :)


1 comment:

Lilli O said...

Isnt it such a great feeling?