Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I think I can...

More Keaton milestones:
  • Finally drank from the silicone sippy cup by himself... after... 6 months? I hope that lasts!
  • Had his first music class at the library and LOVED it! He walked all over the conference room during class and did not want to sit down at all... hopefully the novelty of walking will wear off at some point and he will sit still! I will not hold my breath. He also danced and marched during some of the songs, and played instruments... this class is going to be fun!! Yay for free entertainment for toddlers!
Not much is going on around here other than all the new Keaton accomplishments. Casey is busy with work, continuing to build his new computer, and hanging out with us whenever he can. While we were gone, he deep cleaned the entire house. I can't tell you how nice it was to come back home to that. It made me feel guilty about letting it get so bad, but then again, Casey is very good and thorough at cleaning, so I appreciate that he took the time to do it. It's hard to keep the house clean and picked up with a toddler... but I could do much more to keep it that way. Maybe, with some luck, I'll have more opportunity to do things now that Keaton is more independent.

I guess that's about all for now. I always think of things to write about when I'm away from the computer, and now that I'm here, I can't remember what they were. Oh well... I'll probably remember when I sign off... :)

Until next time,


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