Sunday, April 24, 2011

Photography, Molars, and Easter.

I'm fairly certain that if anyone out there reads this blog, you probably get as bored reading a recap of my week as I do writing it. However, the past few days are worth recapping. I'll try to make it less play-by-play and more... worthwhile? **If you just can't stand reading any more, at least look at the picture at the end. :)

I am getting the days of the week confused, but I guess being sick/tired/out-of-it kind of tends to throw one off. Thursday (I think), Keaton and I went out with my friend Kelley, her son Nolan, and Kelley's Mom to take pictures of Nolan for Easter/Father's Day, mainly as a surprise for Kelley's husband Tim. The weather was pretty cooperative, as was Mr. K, which was a nice surprise because I was a bit nervous about how distracted I might be with him there during photo taking. Thanks to Kelley's wonderful mother, he was entertained the entire time, and enjoyed a nice stroll around the Riverwalk in downtown Naperville. The photo session went well, and although I didn't get as many smiles out of Nolan as I would have liked, I definitely enjoyed running after him and capturing some fun moments. Man that kid is quick! I was 100% exhausted afterward, as was Kelley. No matter how tired I was, I was reminded yet again about how much I enjoy taking pictures. I really don't think I have much of a method, besides patience and flexibility. And a quick camera... which helps immensely when you are taking pictures of a toddler.

I was able to play around with Photoshop again since Thursday, and it reminds me that I have barely scraped the surface of that software and have a whole hell of a lot to learn before I can even claim to be a 'pro'. Not that I have- others have mistakenly labeled me that, and it is far from a reality. Right now, at least. You have to start somewhere. I look at pictures I have taken five and even ten years ago that, at the time, seemed flawless to me. Now that I have taken even a few photography classes I can look at those pictures and see room for a lot of improvement. I guess that's how every 'artist' grows, and it makes me look at the pictures I've taken more recently and wonder what I will think of them in ten years, and what more 'seasoned' artists think of them now. I guess that's why I wear my art on my sleeve, if you will, and frequently admit that I have a lot of room for improvement. I think as long as I strive for the improvement part, things can only get better. I don't ever want to come off as arrogant about my work because there is always someone out there that is better than you... in the end, all I really care about is the feeling I get when I present pictures I have taken for someone and they are as genuinely excited about them as I am. It's like Christmas every time.

While my intention for this entry was not to strictly write about photography, I feel this desire growing in me more and more to pursue it and get more serious about it in the very near future. I keep feeling like I have lost track of what I am doing with my life. I am a wife and a mother, and couldn't be happier about either of those things. I feel very blessed with Casey and Keaton, and would never change my role for anything in the world. That said, who am I beyond a wife and mother? I can't really give you a definition right now. I do know that I tend to lose focus frequently and easily, so sometimes the small, random moments of clarity are my best motivation. What does that mean for me exactly? More school. Maybe a degree. But beyond that, I only have tiny glimpses and 'dreams', if you will, about what I will do with it. All I can do is DO it. I've heard it more than once lately... actions speak louder than words.


On another note entirely, the last week has been pretty rough for Mr. Keaton. Last week he started the coughing/sneezing bit, and while it seemed to get better over the course of the week, it never totally went away. Some days he'd have a runny nose, others he would be totally clogged up. To complicate the matter, I am in the final stage of weaning him, which has not been an enjoyable process for either of us. Throw on top of that the fact that he got not one, but TWO molars over the past week and a half, and you have one uncomfortable, unhappy little kid. He has been squealing like a teapot the entire time. I felt pretty lucky that with the cold symptoms he didn't have a fever... until 2:30 this morning. He woke up crying and when I went in to check on him, he was burning up- 101.5 degree temp. I gave him ibuprofen, nursed him (which concluded our one feeding a day), and put him back to bed. He woke up again at 5:30, but this time his fever was completely gone. I am still stumped about what happened, exactly, but I am glad it was quick. He wasn't in the greatest of moods most of today (and yesterday, for that matter) but he hasn't spiked a fever again, and his cough sounds better as of this evening. The poor kid needs a break!!

Lastly, Keaton got to meet the Easter bunny yesterday, and for a little boy who wasn't having the greatest of days, he was a total rock star. He walked right up to the Easter bunny and didn't even think about crying. He may not have smiled, either, but he let us know exactly what was on his mind- those darn teeth. See for yourself... that tiny little tongue points right to the culprit. (Sidenote... doesn't he look so grown up in this picture? I mean, even next to an 8-foot tall bunny?)

And now, the weekend is over. This week is going to be good, darn it. It has to be an improvement from the last one... right? :) We are headed to Galveston on Thursday. I look forward to spending some quality vacation time with my boys, and maybe even getting some sun. Until then, I'm just going to work on getting Keaton healthy... and maybe taking some more pictures. :)


1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

Oh my goodness he IS so grown up! And at least in my opinion you are definitely an artist and I love the pictures and your ongoing love of taking them! Keep it up!