Friday, April 15, 2011


For the past few days, I haven't really been in a writing mood. Nothing interesting to say, I guess. Keaton continues to amaze me every day... nothing new there. (That's such a Mom thing, isn't it? "Yeah, my kid is awesome. No big deal." LOL... today he put one of his shape toys into the correct hole (there has to be a more intelligent way to say that...) and continued to be a goof ball, as he has recently. He really likes to be goofy with me, and now he loves when I chase him! I am paranoid to do so because I'm afraid he'll face-plant again, but it is pretty cute when he sees me coming toward him and squeals because he wants to be chased. Today he would 'run' (walking quickly at a forward angle with his arms out... if that makes any sense) and fall into his beanbag chair. Such a nut. I'm sure I'm forgetting something... I'll add it later if I remember.

He and I have been really tired the past few days, too. I think the weather has something to do with it, but I also think he's going through a growth spurt. (I wish I was, too!) He fell asleep yesterday at 1:45 p.m., and ended up sleeping until almost 4:30!! I wouldn't have let him sleep that long but I fell asleep, too. Then he went to bed at 6 last night, woke up at 4:30 to eat, and then slept until 7 this morning. He took another long nap from 10-12:15 pm, and went to bed at 5 tonight. That is a LOT of sleeping for Mr. K! I have a feeling he'll wake up pretty early in the morning, so I'm going to attempt to get to bed early tonight so I can get up with him and not be a zombie. Casey is on a two day work trip to L.A., and should get home sometime early Saturday morning- probably before 2 a.m.. I have a feeling he'll be pretty exhausted so I need to be ready for it!

Blah blah blah. Not much else is going on around here. We took my friend Michelle to lunch yesterday for her birthday. Really, not much more to report. See why I didn't blog the past few days? Yep. :)


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