Tuesday, February 5, 2013

33 week OB Recap

Ugh I can't sleep. It's normal, but it's really bugging me tonight. I long to be like Casey and pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow. He's snoring within seconds, literally. I haven't felt very well today (nasal congestion and headache) which has made me more sensitive, reactive, and emotional (hormonal?). I came to bed early and was just relaxing and trying to get ready for sleep. He went out with a few guys from work tonight, and came home and fell asleep before I did. I am jealous. But the twins have been dancing around a lot this evening so it's impossible to sleep when that happens. Oh well, it is what it is.

So to catch up on the OB appointment yesterday... The boys were being so ornery that I had to have an ultrasound to make sure everything was going fine. It was. They passed two of the three tests they do via ultrasound, so when they didn't do 30 seconds worth of breathing reflex (they are still young to expect this) the doctors decided to go ahead and do the NST anyway. Baby A did his time on the monitor just fine, but he kicked Baby B so much (who is breech now) that we had to stay longer and have him on the monitor by himself to ensure he was fine. He was, he just got kicked off of it all the time by his brother. I think we all know who the bully will be!

I think that's about it. Time for me to attempt sleep again! If I still feel the way I do now when I wake up tomorrow, I'm heading back to my general practitioner to see what she can do to help. I've gotta get better before Keaton's birthday celebration this weekend!!


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