Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bjorning It

I'm test driving the Baby Bjorn right now that my neighbor Laura gave us, and so far Keaton and I are enjoying it. He is passed out on my chest (strangely enough, I sort of feel pregnant again because I can feel every time he moves, but I have both hands free! Sweet!). It's nice to be able to move around right now. I tried to redeem myself by playing with Charley, but wouldn't you know, he's not in the mood right now. At least I know I can throw his toys around and keep Keaton with me at the same time. So far, the Bjorn is working wonders! I guess I am glad that everyone found out about the baby during our annual Subdivision garage sale, because we've gotten quite a few great items out of the deal. :)

My kid makes some hilarious noises and faces. I find myself watching him 98% of the time, even when I should be doing other things like eating dinner or concentrating on conversations. No wonder my brain is absolute mush right now. I have had more trouble remembering what time or day it is, let alone any important details like how much Keaton has grown since our last Peds visit (luckily they wrote it all down) and what percentile he's in. I hope that part gets better!!

We had a decent night of sleep (meaning he woke up every 3 hours and didn't cluster feed, yay!) but I've noticed this happens every other day. My hope today is that we can keep him awake enough to sleep well again tonight. He was wide awake last night and Casey was able to hold him for a long time without him screaming his head off. He would just look at Casey and make the cute little noises and faces. He's cooing in his sleep, too, which makes me think he'll someday talk in his sleep like Casey does. We shall see!

I guess that's about it. All we've really done today is eat, sleep, and... I guess that's about it. Hopefully the Bjorn will help me be able to be a bit more productive around here. I have managed to get some laundry done since my mom left, so I feel like that's a big accomplishment so far! I don't plan on vacuuming yet, though- not because I think Keaton will wake up, because he's done great as far as noises go... I'd just rather test that out when Casey can be home and get all the vacuum equipment out for me. (PS, having a central vac is AWESOME!!!) I already have 7 lbs of baby on me right now, and lugging around hoses and other things doesn't sound like a good time right now. I'm sure this weekend will be more productive.

I forgot to randomly mention that I was trying to take Keaton out of the car yesterday in his car seat, and only half of it would come out of the base. I had to take him out of it and leave the seat in the car. I have unhooked it before, so I'm not sure what was wrong. Part of me is getting tempted to take him somewhere by myself during the day... if I can get the dang car seat out, that is. The week is still young, I may attempt that before the week's over. We'll see. Plus, it's supposed to be almost 50 this weekend, so we may go on a family walk around the neighborhood! I hope it all pans out because that sounds great!

That's all for now... back to Mommyhood.


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