Friday, March 19, 2010

Insert Title Here...

All things considered, Keaton had a pretty good day yesterday. The Hetrick side of the family is in town this weekend. We met up with them yesterday for lunch, and Aunt Valerie got to meet Keaton for the first time in person (because the first time was on Skype). After lunch, we headed over to the mall so Aunt Leslie and her two friends could go prom dress shopping. Keaton did really well and slept until about 45 minutes past his feeding time, then he let all the folks in our vicinity of the mall know that he was HUNGRY!! I ended up coming home with Val so we could feed him and I could pump. He proceeded to let Aunt Val see that his lungs are in full working order! We hung out here at home for awhile, and then the rest of the family came by and we got ready to go out to watch the KU game. (Casey allowed me an huor nap in between, which was great!!) Keaton did great until a little into the 2nd half of the game, then he started getting fussy. He screamed bloody murder the entire time I was trying to change his diaper in the bathroom, and got quite a bit of attention from the staff at the Limestone Brewery for how 'tiny' he is (man he feels big to me, though!!). Luckily he was able to eat, and then had his semi-regular fussing session at 11 pm. Once he settled down, I put him in the bassinet and attempted to get some sleep. This is when his newest habit came into play- he will be 99% asleep, but if/when his binky falls out of his mouth, he starts squawking and working up to a full cry. So for one entire hour, I was in and out of bed, pushing 'Bink' (as we call it) back in his mouth. Ahhh! I need to stop this habit ASAP! Finally he got to sleep until about 3:30 when he was hungry again. Half awake, I stumble out of bed and take him in to start changing his diaper. Yeah... I got a nice wake up call when I was wiping his bum and he passed gas, then I looked over to see that poo had sprouted wings and flown over the diaper and onto the changing table, and my arm! I really wanted to title this entry "Shootin' Craps" but I thought it would be inappropriate. Hahahaha....

Now the kid is passed out on my lap, after a nice nap this morning. I'm afraid to move him, but I need desperately to take a shower, especially considering the poop shooting festivities this morning. Although my arm is clean, it just can't be clean enough after that! Casey is going to take off work around 1 today, then we're going to get around and take Keaton to downtown Chicago to meet up with the rest of the family. Hopefully he'll do well and won't have a complete meltdown, because it'll take us at least an hour to get home! I'm trying to put my anxiety in check right now.

Another thing that causes me anxiety at this point is using the little sucker bulb to get snot out of his nose. He gets SUPER PISSED whenever I do this, which is unfortunate because the guy has snot in his nose all the time, and even gets mad sometimes when he's crying and starts snorting from it! It'll make him scream even louder. I try to get through it anyway, though, because he always feels better after it's done. I wish there was a better way! He's gotten to the point where he bats my hands away, and kicks his feet to push himself away from me. Ahhh! I only see this getting worse.

Well, I should definitely try to get that shower now. Hopefully the little guy will stay asleep and be content this afternoon with our travels. Worst case scenario would be that we have to turn around and come back home. Hoping for the best...


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