Monday, March 8, 2010

Good weekend!

WARNING: This first part is about breastfeeding. Skip ahead if you don't want to read about it.

So if you've been keeping up with the blog, you know (unless you skipped over this part) that we were having feeding issues with Keaton in the beginning. The kid would not latch, or stay latched, and I had to seek out other resources to help him along. Thank GOODNESS for the nipple shield, that's all I have to say. He really got pissed because it would take a long time for me to 'get his food ready', if you will... and it's been additional work to wash and keep track of the shields because they are clear silicone and are easy to misplace. But the shield was getting the job done, and I didn't have to supplement with formula anymore, so I was content. (I would like to note that I am definitely not anti-formula by any means, just for the record.)
I bring you to yesterday, when I tried the 'bait-and-switch' technique the LC had told me to try in the beginning. Whenever I tried it before, Keaton would get PISSED and never latch on. In fact, I'd take the shield off when I burped him, and as soon as he got back to the boob he'd get this hilarious, confused look on his face. Okay it wasn't always hilarious, but it has definitely made me laugh at times.) I decided to skip the stress and hadn't tried that for a few days. Yesterday, though, I guess he changed his mind. We have now gone through 3 successful feedings without any 'help'! I'm not saying that it doesn't take him a minute or two to latch, but once he's there, he'll finally stay on and not completely pass out like he did in the beginning! I'm not sure what's different, but thank goodness this is starting to work. :-D And because of it, I seem to be producing more milk, which is great because the kid is eating at least 3 ounces at every feeding now! Little piggie!

***Okay, no more talk about breastfeeding now. I realize there are guys that read this and I don't want to totally weird anyone out. So we had a great weekend at home. Casey was incredible and did about 90% of the housework. I feel guilty about that, and look forward to the days when I can get more done around the house. I just started another load of laundry, so we're off to a decent start today. Now the task is actually remembering that I did it and continuing with it later. My brain is definitely not functional anymore since Keaton came. I heard rumors of this, but took pride in the fact that my brain wasn't quite this foggy while I was pregnant. It's definitely not the case now! I had a few slip ups back then, but now it's so bad that I forget what conversation I was having, etc. Or I get totally sidetracked, like I am now, and have trouble getting back to the point. My point was, we had a great weekend. The weather was wonderful (minus a bit of rain yesterday... but it's rain, not snow!)... Saturday was sunny and almost 50 degrees, so we took Charley and Keaton on a walk around the neighborhood. Chuck was ecstatic, of course. Keaton slept the whole time. We were able to introduce him to a few of the neighbors who hadn't met him yet. Then last night we took him to Walmart- we had a bunch of things to get so we decided to go as a family. He did great and barely woke up the whole time we were there! We had to get him some pants, and found the CUTEST outfit for him, with a little blue sweater vest and jeans! I'll definitely take pics soon. :)

Saturday, Keaton stayed awake for two straight hours, without crying- then did it again a few hours later! He got a little fussy b/c of tummy pains, but once we gave him gas drops he settled right down, :) Case and I took turns entertaining him while he was awake. He made up for it yesterday by sleeping most of the day. It was still fun to see his eyes open so much more. They are still a really dark denim color- I wonder if they'll change. His hair is brown and since he's already a carbon copy of Casey, I'm sure they'll turn brown eventually.

Well, I know there's more to the weekend, but he just woke up and I'm typing with one hand right now. Just thought I'd update... I'll try to again soon!



Lilli O said...

Ha, I'm so glad someone else is using the shield...I have to one one side...but I completely hear ya on the keeping track of it and the part about how they are so impatient and dont wanna wait for the milk to get to their mouths! Nursing has definitely been the biggest challenge, but hopefully it will all payoff. Maybe months down the road we'll look back and say, ah, that was really nothing! Ha. I can dream right??? Glad things are getting better...good to her the encouragement! Although I'm really jealous of the 2hr wide awake time! Our longest has been 30min maybe? Its so hard to keep them awake!!!

Chimpsea said...

Good work Ashley! I love your descriptions of Keaton. It sounds like you and Casey are able to keep your wits about you - that gives me hope!